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Technology Update What’s New
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         UV-C Robot from Omron helps businesses                           Hybrid bearings from NKE are suitable
         win the fight against Covid                                      for tough industrial applications

         As the UK’s customer-facing businesses                           Industrial applications in
         plan their reopening strategies, keeping                         challenging environmental
         consumers and staff safe from Covid will                         conditions call for special bearing
         be a key priority. In a bid to prevent future                    solutions. Bearing manufacturer
         outbreaks at high footfall, everyday                             NKE Austria has developed
         environments like supermarkets, bars and                         hybrid bearings for precisely
         gyms, industrial automation specialist                           these applications. NKE hybrid
         Omron has teamed up with UV Systems                              bearings consist of ultrapure steel
         UK to produce an autonomous robotic                              bearing rings and ceramic rolling
         sterilisation system that guarantees to kill                     elements made of bearing grade
         the virus without damage or harm to                              silicon nitride Si3N4 . “At first
         surrounding goods.                                               glance, this material pairing is highly unusual, but it offers many advantages in
           UV Systems UV-C Robot eliminates                               an enormous range of applications, which significantly increases the reliability of
         99% of lingering Covid virus cells from                          the overall system,” says Michael Rössl, application engineer at NKE in Steyr,
         ceiling to floor with full traceability. It                      Austria.
         incorporates proven UV-C light sterilisation                       The silicon nitride rolling elements are 60 percent lighter than those made
         technology which, for decades, has kept                          from steel and are suitable for very high rotating speeds. “Consequently, NKE
         the general public safe from harmful                             hybrid bearings can reach limit speeds that are over 20 percent higher than
         bacteria in major leisure centres. This has now been adapted to kill the Covid                 conventional standard bearings,” says
         virus in work and leisure environments where social contact is unavoidable, such               Rössl. “Even at these very high and
         as the retail, hospitality, travel and leisure sectors.                                        demanding speeds, NKE hybrid
           Ensuring the highest levels of hygiene will be essential to entice customers                 bearings demonstrate excellent
         back to the high street post-pandemic. In a survey of 2,000 UK adults by Citron                performance characteristics and
         Hygiene and OnePoll, 67% of respondents said they are more afraid of germs                     minimal running noise. There are
         and conscious of hygiene now than before March 2020. Employers and owners                      therefore particularly well suited for
         of supermarkets, shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, gyms and other leisure                      use in high-speed electric motors.”
         facilities, as well as office spaces, must therefore deploy a robust indoor cleaning              The ceramic rolling elements
         protocol to stop the spread of Covid and other bacteria and pathogens.                         have high wear resistance and can
         Companies that fail to do so run the risk of an outbreak being traced to their                 achieve better results under extremely
                                    facility and subsequent closure. Not only                           demanding conditions, such as poor
                                    would this lead to a significant loss of                            lubrication, thereby extending service
                                    business, but brand reputation, consumer   life significantly. “The very good dry-running properties of a hybrid bearing play
                                    safety and workforce wellbeing are also   an extremely critical part in substantially enhancing the reliability of an
                                    on the line.                          application,” adds the application engineer.
                                      The solution developed by UV          The tribological properties of a hybrid bearing are very good due to the
                                    Systems UK, part of the Topline Group,   special material pairing of ceramic and bearing steel. Very little frictional heat is
                                    guarantees to eliminate viruses,      generated, even at high speeds. “In turn, this also means that there is less power
                                    pathogens and bacteria on all touchpoints   loss at the bearing and by extension in the application as a whole,” explains
                                    within a facility, helping businesses to   Rössl. “Moreover, a hybrid bearing has a low breakaway torque.”
                                    regain public confidence, relieve the
                                    burden on employees and meet
                                    regulations. Although manual processes
                                    are still required to clean away visible
                                    dirt, the UV-C Robot has been proven as   New ball transfer units, roller tracks
                                    a failsafe method to combat Covid and
                                    other viruses such as SARS, MERS and   and conveyor balls from Elesa
                                    Ebola – in 2020, Boston University
                                    researchers validated that UV-C light   Elesa has added three new products
                                    sources were capable of inactivating   to its range of ball transfer units
                                    SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes     (otherwise known as roller tracks or
         COVID-19. The robotic solution also reduces the need for powerful chemicals   conveyor balls). The new UTB units
         that present health and safety risks to the operator.            in white acetal-based technopolymer
            Comprising an array of precision UV-C lamps developed by Phillips and   with white polymer or stainless steel
         mounted on top of a cutting-edge Omron mobile robot platform, the UV-C Robot   roller balls are joined by ESD
         autonomously navigates the natural features of a facility, requiring no user input.   conductive units and UTR roller
         As opposed to manual cleaning that would require numerous personnel, when   transfer units for especially delicate
         modelled on a 100,000 sq ft supermarket, a single robot would complete the   surfaces such as glass and ceramic.
         ceiling-to-floor sanitisation process within 2-3 hours. A run time of up to four   UTB series ball transfer units are said to be particularly suitable for
         hours means it can treat large areas efficiently, reliably and quickly, even   applications on transfer and conveyor lines or end of production lines. They offer
         returning itself to the charging station once the regime is complete. The solution   smooth linear and rotational movement with maximum cleanliness as they do
         is also built with sensor technology to allow the robot to detect obstacles in its   not require lubrication with oils and greases. UTR roller transfer units facilitate
         path and prevent collisions. If a human comes within eight metres of the system,   both linear and rotary movement with a soft technopolymer roller. This makes
         it will automatically shut down.                                 them suitable for handling loads with particularly delicate surfaces.                             

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