Page 12 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 17th August 2020
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The system also communicates with a GOT Even more, the set-up created by Mitsubishi
2000 HMI, through which operators can select the Electric and Horizon Instruments is flexible enough
correct recipes and the liquid volume that should be to scale up and support future implementations. For
dispensed into the wells (this ranges between 0 and example, it is possible to install robotic arms that
250µL) as well as monitor the process in real-time. can load and unload stacks of well plates or collect
If the system stops, the HMI also provides key samples for quality control purposes.
information to help operators resolve the issue and Bolton comments: “We are extremely happy
restart the machine as quickly as possible. with the outcome of the project. The bespoke,
highly automated solution we have developed
The power to evolve together with Mitsubishi Electric is ideal for
The seamless integration of PLC, servo motors and forward-looking manufacturers that want to deliver
servo amplifiers ensured a fast filling speed, high high-quality products in a very efficient and reliable
accuracy, repeatability and precision, despite the manner.
low volumes being processed. As a result, the IVD “We wouldn’t have been able to succeed without
kit manufacturer could eliminate all the issues the support from Mitsubishi Electric. Its skilled and
associated with overfilling, such as equipment experienced teams were crucial throughout the
downtime to clean the machine and its entire project, from concept and planning to
surroundings, whilst improving the overall product installation, commissioning and start up.”
quality. In particular, the factory expects to reduce Shinton concludes: “We are proud of having
waste generation by over 50%. played a part in developing such an innovative well
In addition, the manufacturer skyrocketed plate filling machine. This success attests to the
productivity. The new machine can now process quality of our products and services, even for highly
between 4,000 and 5,000 plates per day, a volume regulated industries, such as pharmaceutical and
that is 7-8 times higher than the existing system life sciences.”
even when it was working at full capacity.