Page 34 - Industrial Technology March 2020 issue
P. 34


          AND PRECISE
          6-DOF                                     CONCRETE ON


          HexGen  Hexapods by                                                 DRIVES & CONTROLS
          The next-generation in 6
          degree-of-freedom positioning:            BY INSTALLING SERVO DRIVES WITH INTEGRATED FUNCTIONAL
          HexGen  hexapods coupled with our         SAFETY, HMIS AND CONTROLLERS ITS NEW PRODUCTION LINE,
          control and visualization software
                                                    CONCRETE CANVAS HAS REDUCED WIRING INSTALLATION COSTS
          make accurate six degree-of-freedom
                                                    AND HAS GREATER FLEXIBILITY IN TERMS OF FUTURE EXPANSION
          positioning incredibly easy.
                                                    PLANS FOR MACHINES AND ADDITIONAL LINES
          •  Powerful controls and software with
            motion visualization in any work or tool
                                                           ased in Pontyclun, Wales, Concrete Canvas Ltd  unwinders,  dry  cement  powder  handling  systems,  a
            coordinate system                              is the sole manufacturer of the award-winning  main process section that forms the cement filled web,
          •  Simple graphical view of coordinate           products, Concrete Canvas (CC) and CC Hydro  coating  machines,  web  handling  machines  and
            systems and pivot-point locations       B(CCH),  which  are  manufactured  in  South  rewinders.
                                                    Wales and exported to more than 80 countries. CC is a  “The  prototype  production  line  is  quite  complex.
          •  Precision positioning – accuracy to ±0.5
                                                    new  material  technology  called  a  geosynthetic  There are many different machines with parts that need
            µm and resolution to 20 nm
                                                    cementitious composite mat, or GCCM. The material is a  to be moved at different speeds. We therefore started to
          Contact an Aerotech application engineer   flexible  concrete  impregnated  fabric  that  hardens  on  search for a suitable supplier of drives that could handle
          or visit our website for more information   hydration  to  form  a  thin,  durable,  waterproof  concrete  this  type  of  application.  We  needed  the  drives  to  be
          on how Aerotech hexapods can improve      layer. Essentially, the product is ‘concrete on a roll’. CC  flexible and easily expandable to allow easy, rapid future
          your positioning application.             can  be  installed  using  simple  hand  tools,  with  no  expansion of the line and individual machines, with as
                                                    requirement for specialist labour or equipment, and can  little panel wiring as possible. Another key requirement
                                                    be  installed  up  to  10  times  faster  than  conventional  for  us  was  safety,  so  we  wanted  drives  with  in-built
                                                    methods.                                 functional safety,” explains Rose.
                                                       In  Spring  2018,  due  to  increased  demand  for  its  After a thorough supplier evaluation process, which
                            HexGen                  products, Concrete Canvas purchased a new facility in  included  on-site  demonstrations,  Rose  chose  KEB
                            Software                Pontyclun, around six miles from the original factory in  Automation for its servo drives with FSoE (FailSafe-over-
                                                    Pontypridd. This new site is around three times the size  EtherCAT), as well as HMIs, a smart controller and the
                                                    of  the  Pontypridd  facility,  providing  the  company  with  COMBIVIS  6  software  that  provides  a  common
                                                    significant  opportunities  for  continued  growth.  Graham  development platform.
                             HEX RC                 Rose,  engineering  manager  at  Concrete  Canvas,  is  “At present, we have around 10 COMBIVERT S6-A
                             Multi-Axis             responsible  for  developing  the  new  production  lines  at  servo drives and some F6 drives from KEB operating on
                             Robotic                Pontyclun, including machinery, controls and automation  the  production  line.  The  lower  powered  drives  tend  to
                                                    systems.  He  states:  “As  there  was  no  off-the-shelf  perform  lighter  duties  such  as  transporting  the  web
                                                    machinery available for producing our new product, all  material, whereas the larger drives control the conveyors
                                                    the design and build work was performed in-house.”  and  mixers  for  the  cement,  the  main  web  forming
                                                       The continuous production line for the new prototype  process section and the centre winding machine, as well
                                                    rolled  product  comprises  a  variety  of  machines,  as performing general positional and control tasks. Some
                                                    equipment  and  automated  systems,  including  of  the  drives  are  linked  so  that  they  operate

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          Call +44 1256 855055


                                                                                                     INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • March 2020
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