Page 5 - Industrial_Technology_EXTRA_May_4th_2020
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4.0 was first coined at Hannover Messe back in To ensure that manufacturers can find the
2011. So now, it’s no longer a question of whether skilled staff they need, they should work with trade
a manufacturer should digitalise, but how quickly. associations to improve skills both in-house and in
the education system. Local innovation hubs can
Only a question of skills? train staff on new technologies, showing them how
Manufacturers will continue implementing new to operate new systems efficiently. Manufacturers
digital technologies like AI, advanced robotics and can also collaborate with education programmes
cloud computing, but is it worth it if the employees and schools to encourage more students to enhance
are not fully trained? The reality is that with the their technological skills and stay up-to-date with
development of digital factories, the role of human the industry so that they are ready for their future
workers will change and factories must ensure that career.
they have the highly-skilled workers needed for
efficient operation. The right fit
According to The Manufacturer’s latest Annual Even if a plant manager hires the most qualified
Manufacturing Report, 59 per cent of respondents employees, cost remains one of the biggest
believe that the education system is failing and obstacles for the full digitalisation of a factory.
cannot keep up the pace of change in Smaller businesses might be reluctant to overhaul
manufacturing technology. Schools are doing more their entire facility because their current technology
to ensure young people improve technological skills operates efficiently, and they cannot see the
and encourage more people to pursue careers in immediate return-on-investment. However, there
science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) are more cost-efficient ways for manufacturers to
subjects. However, as technology advances more remain competitive and continue their own Industry
rapidly and new processes are introduced to the 4.0 journey.
industry quickly, there is no guarantee that these While smaller manufacturers can continue to
skills will still be useful when the students enter the use legacy equipment if it still works, they should be
workplace. aware of the risks of unplanned downtime. A lack of