Page 12 - Industrial_Technology_EXTRA_1st_June_2020_Classical
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with a specified measurement accuracy of design outperformed the equivalent off-the-shelf
±0.03%. Measurement bandwidth is 10MHz for model by a significant margin.”
voltage and 5MHz for current, and the maximum Alas, the team must now wait until 2021 to see
sampling rate of 10Msamples/s exceeds the data the culmination of their dream. With over half the
refresh rate required to validate RED E’s fuel gauge race completed in 2019, RED E was in the lead and
system. With the very best isolation, noise on course to win, with an average speed of 89.7
immunity and advanced filtering capabilities, km/h, when mother nature intervened. The car was
WT5000 users can make simultaneous irreparably damaged when a very strong crosswind
measurements on up to seven inputs, and view gust forced the car off the road and down a slope,
them on its high-resolution 10.1” touchscreen. where it rolled over. The winners’ trophy therefore
“The WT5000 is a very nice instrument to use, had to be handed to the Belgian team, Agoria, who
it’s intuitive, and it’s easy to find your way around achieved an average (and
the controls.” states Rob, “It’s also easy to tweak slower) speed of 86.6 km/h.
the display so that it shows exactly the It should be quite a
measurement outputs you are interested in, like race in 2021.
when it clearly demonstrated that our new inverter