Page 20 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 25th January 2021
P. 20
Festo configurator saves time and effort
when selecting and ordering valves
ndustrial automation components – from process
specialist Festo has valves, actuators, pilot valves
introduced a new online and limit switch boxes to
Iconfiguration tool that positioners, adapter kits and
makes it easier and quicker hand levers – are from a single
to select the correct valve or source and are perfectly matched
actuator for your process and pre-assembled. It is also
application. Simply select a possible to use the configurator
few parameters and the to select an actuator unit without
Festo valve configurator will the process valve: ideal for
suggest appropriate combinations, offering a automating existing process valves, or where
fast, reliable and easy way for process engineers there is a preference for a third party supply.
to source coordinated and ready-to-install Following a step-by-step guide, the user
solutions. simply chooses the required parameters in the
Commenting on the new valve configurator, configurator’s input menu. The configurator
Leon Kelly, Manager of the Process Automation suggests the right solutions by taking all relevant
Centre for Festo UK & Ireland, says: “Configuring factors into account: from the initial product
the optimum process automation solution for search, configuration, sizing and documentation
your media is child's play using the Festo online right through to ordering and delivery of the
configurator. It simplifies the whole engineering ready-to-install process valve or quarter turn
and purchasing process and allows you to obtain actuator unit. The configurator can also
the perfect valve unit in just a few clicks. It accommodate unique customer-specific
includes some really helpful features: for requests.
example, the configurator can generate a bill of Together with the proposed solution, the
materials to show the component breakdown. configurator automatically generates an order ID
Also if you need a configuration ID for repeat for the complete combination, which can be
orders, or a CAD model for your final configured used for placing future orders. There are also
solution, that’s not a problem – the configurator benefits in terms of documentation because the
can produce those as well.” CAD data for the complete, configured unit can
The online valve configurator is ideal for be downloaded. Immediate price and delivery
selecting Festo butterfly valve units (KVZA), ball time information also make the ordering process
valve units (KVZB) and quarter turn actuator easier.
units (KDFP). It simplifies the specification and
purchase process by ensuring that all Tel: 0800 626 422