Page 20 - Industrial Technology E XTRA 24th August 2020
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manufacturing center, combined with expertise in
the offshore sector, were some of the many reasons
that the company was selected. In this case, Sulzer
was holding a spare motor in stock, and this would
be installed to minimize downtime on the FPSO.
Due to the complex crane lift required to transfer the
motor onto the vessel, the operation had to be
carefully timed to coincide with a calm sea state,
which is something of a rarity in the North Sea.
Close cooperation
Marc Stuart continues: “In situations where an
unexpected issue requires immediate attention,
Sulzer can draw up a rapid response plan that will
help a customer diagnose the problem and provide
the most appropriate solution. Of course, the
offshore industry is particularly averse to downtime
of its equipment, so we can work round-the-clock to
complete repairs in the shortest time.”
The close technical cooperation between ATB LS
and Sulzer ensures that customers receive the
highest level of maintenance service with the
support of the original equipment manufacturer
(OEM). That included a complete set of new stator
coils, which were manufactured in Birmingham by
Sulzer’s high voltage coil shop, while the
mechanical repairs were completed in Falkirk.
service center in Falkirk. A team of Sulzer’s Once all of the work was complete, the rebuilt
engineers are specially trained for working in motor was comprehensively tested before a full
offshore environments and assist in disconnecting, factory acceptance test (FAT) was carried out by
removing and packaging the motor ready for ATB LS. The test ensures that the correct
transport. procedures have been carried out and that the
Although much of the refurbishment process rebuilt motor meets OEM standards and can be
was routine, special attention was required with all reinstalled.
of the electrical connections and their enclosures to Marc Stuart concludes: “Speed and expertise
ensure continued compliance with Ex regulations. must go hand-in-hand for projects like this to be a
Any equipment that is designed for operation in success. Working with a team of skilled engineers
potentially explosive atmospheres must be repaired that has the support of the OEM ensures the repairs
and installed by suitably qualified engineers. will be delivered quickly, and in this sector, time is
The facilities within the Sulzer network, such as certainly of the essence.”
the in-house copper mill and high voltage (HV) coil