Page 12 - Industrial Technology July 2021
P. 12



         Supplier relationships must be

         built on trust and partnerships

         SCOTT DEAKINS, COO OF DEACOM, ARGUES THAT THE KEY TO A TRULY                       real-time view in the supply chain. Receiving, quality and
         DURABALE SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP IS A ROBUST PARTNERSHIP                             production processes can all be synchronised as well.
                                                                                            EDI, advanced forecasting algorithms and data analytics,
                eaction speed is the most important factor in a   incentives in a period when 40 percent of product value   can also help manufacturers understand the dynamics of
                world that is constantly changing. While supply   is outsourced to suppliers.    their own supply chains and quantify each supplier’s
                and demand have always fluctuated, as we   The best supplier relationships are built on trust, and   impact too.
         Rsaw in 2020, those fluctuations can speed up   some of the largest companies in the world have   For example, a purchase order management solution
         exponentially with minimal foresight.    experienced success thanks in part to their strong   within a firm’s ERP system can help by creating,
           Grocery stores provided a quintessential example, as   supplier relationships. For instance, Jean-Christophe   processing and tracking purchase orders with suppliers.
         data from market analysts Nielsen shows UK   Deville, general manager of purchasing at the world’s   This can foster a better and ultimately stronger view of
         supermarket takings surged by more than 20 percent   biggest automaker, Toyota, credits the company’s success   the enterprise’s relationship with each supplier.
         during the period 24 February to 21 March last year. The   to long term, collaborative and close partnerships with   Technology is also an invaluable tool for staying on
         sudden spike in demand was driven by consumers   key Japanese suppliers.           top of payments to suppliers too, which is crucial for any
         rushing to stockpile their fridges and homes with supplies   In order to develop these types of relationships, a   business. Suppliers value timely payments just as much
         amid fears about the spread of coronavirus.    company should take on a supplier as a partner on equal   as businesses value timely action from their suppliers. By
           The British public made an extra 80 million grocery   footing. Over time, the relationship will develop the trust   relying on ERP solutions to streamline payments, errors
         shopping trips across the four-week period, and spent an   and loyalty they need to anticipate new movements and   can be reduced while ensuring that suppliers are paid on
         extra £2billion on food and drink than the same period in   respond to them as quickly as possible.    time.
         2019. Pasta, canned goods and other common   As an example, let’s say a trusted supplier changes   With supply chain dynamics now shifting on a daily
         household items rapidly became the most sought-after   his pricing because the costs of a set of raw materials or   basis, and raw costs and labour availability often in flux,
         products in UK shopping aisles. It wasn’t uncommon   labour may have suddenly changed. Instead of finding   it is vital for businesses to be able to react at speed, and
         either to see people lining up outside stores, hoping to   out about an increase in costs when the next invoice   essential for them to build strong relationships with their
         acquire their daily essentials before they sold out.    lands, the supplier may be more forthcoming, notifying   suppliers over the next 12 months.
           Technologies enabled businesses to adjust to these   his partner in enough time to adjust resources   As we look to the rest of 2021, by favouring a
         new peaks in demand and reorient their supply chains   accordingly. He may even give the company a chance to   partnership approach – instead of purely transactional
         effectively. But it is the framework of supplier   negotiate, which can be of vital importance when price   relationships with suppliers – businesses can overcome
         relationships that really drives the agility to pivot when   pressures hit.        some of the hurdles the current climate has presented
         required.                                   For businesses that have scaled substantially,   them with. They can also further position themselves for
           Supplier relations are often an under-utilised avenue   technologies are indispensable for gaining real-time   success by relying on technologies such as ERP, EDI,
         for delivering value. A Deloitte Global CPO Survey from   visibility into supply chains and suppliers. Software like   B2B ecommerce, advanced forecasting algorithms, data
         2019 concluded that a strong supplier relationship can   ERP assists business users in tracking which suppliers   analytics and purchase order management solutions. Only
         help businesses adapt as needed, and can be developed   are helping, and which are hurting, allowing them to   by understanding the importance of effectively managing
         via solid partnerships, trust and visibility. Supplier   identify any weak points in the chain.    such technologies and relationships will businesses not
         relationships also provide a leg up over the competition   They are also useful in engendering collaboration   only help to improve resilience, but ultimately, the
         and can tip the scales of profitability – attractive   between enterprises and vendors by providing a shared,   profitability of operations long-term too.

         Expanded calibration and support services

               ensonics has expanded its service offerings                                  on-site and this can be extended to confirm the accuracy
               supported by important investment which                                      and alarm functionality of the complete measurement
               will help it to meet the growing and changing                                loop. Where sensors and monitoring equipment require
         Srequirements of customers. The company                                            separate calibration, Sensonics can provide signal
         has always recommended that critical sensing and                                   injection methods to confirm the monitoring equipment
         protection equipment is maintained and calibrated                                  in-situ and with UKAS traceable calibrations in its
         annually to meet accuracy and efficiency demands                                   laboratory. Fast turnarounds are also available on request
         whilst also following industry best practice. Return to                            along with upgrades and refurbishment services for
         base calibration services have always been offered for                             obsolete equipment.
         Sensonics’ sensors and systems yet the company                                       Sensonics specialises in providing sensing systems for
         recognises that flexibility in meeting this best practice                          monitoring the dynamics of turbines, pumps, fans,
         is vital to customers.                                                             compressors and motors. All equipment is designed and
           It is not always easy to dismantle and return                                    manufactured in the UK and therefore the company’s site
         critical monitoring equipment, while outage planning                               calibration team has a wealth of expertise to fall back on
         is complex and variable. Sensonics’ expanded on-site                               to support customers’ maintenance requirements and
         calibration services include experienced site engineers   engineering resources. Calibration of vibration sensors and   to minimise downtime.
         backed up by UK manufacturing and specialised   proximity probes is a service that the company offers    MORE INFORMATION:

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