Page 16 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - Brexit Briefing
P. 16
Increased automation will
Increased automation will
change Britain’s workforces
change Britain’s workforces
UK General Sir Nick Carter has suggested that a quarter of the British army could be robots
by the 2030s. However, the armed forces isn’t the only industry that’s facing an increasing
number of robot employees. STEWART GOULDING, managing director of precision drive
system supplier EMS, explains how the rise of robot workers poses promise, not a threat
In his television interview, Carter said a large future with more automation like in-store As robots take on more responsibility, they
number of autonomous and remotely robots could also help address Japan’s must be reliable and able to work
controlled machines could become integral labour shortage. independently with minimal intervention –
to the armed forces. This comes after leaving humans free to focus on other tasks.
investment in robot warfare was a key Elsewhere in the world, other recent DC motors play a key part in delivering this
component of the planned integrated five- developments include robot construction site reliability, giving automation the continuous
year defence review. inspectors, robotic office cleaners and an AI power and control it requires.
trained real estate assistant.
However, defence isn’t the only sector that For example, the recently launched
has placed automation firmly in its future The future workforce Faulhaber BXT series has innovative winding
plans. Over 60 per cent of companies The proportion of robotic workers looks set technology that enables it to deliver class
surveyed in the Future of Jobs Report 2020 to increase, leaving some jobs roles feeling leading continuous torque for its size
by the World Economic Forum (WEF) expect under threat. But this doesn’t mean human allowing even small robots to perform swift
adoption of non-humanoid robots including workers will become redundant. The WEF’s and powerful movements. This is particularly
drones and automation within five years, and report concludes that human workers will still beneficial in shelf stacking and warehouse
over 30 per cent expect humanoid robots to dominate more creative and communicative operations.
become a part of their workforce. tasks, with decision-making, analytical
thinking and emotional intelligence all listed The flat construction of the motors means
The robot clerk as highly in demand skills. they can be fitted into the robot while adding
Automation is helping many industries minimal bulk, keeping the system compact
overcome the challenges our society faces With robot workers handling more repetitive and lightweight, which is useful for
today — particularly at a time where close tasks, the role of human workers also faces navigating small shop aisles, for example.
human to human contact poses such risks. change. Fortunately, this doesn’t necessarily EMS is the sole UK supplier of Faulhaber
A store in Japan has recently hired a ‘robot spell the end of employment, with 98 percent motors, which are all made in a high
clerk’, which uses lasers to measure social of UK companies looking to retrain existing precision manufacturing process that makes
distancing and guides shoppers around the employees in response to shifting skills them reliable and repeatable.
store, while politely asking them to wear a needs.
face mask. Ready to adapt
Acknowledging automation as a friend not a As robots migrate from their dark factory
Robotic supermarket assistants were already foe, companies will need to invest in new corners to more familiar settings, the
in operation in Japan, performing tasks such equipment and training courses to upskill workforce must be ready to adapt. By
as stacking shelves. Integrating robot employees and prepare them for the future providing the best tools for human and robot
workers has allowed people to work from of work. However, for automation to act as a workers alike, a more productive workforce
home, as operators can remotely control the supplement to human skill, it must be can be created that is beneficial to all.
robot. Known for its aging population, a equipped with the right parts for the job.