Page 70 - Udaan 2019-2021 Final
P. 70

The Fabulous Tree of Colours and Light

                     Written and illustrated by Divyanshi Ghosh, Class 3

            A  long  time  ago,  there  was  a  place    Its  leaves  were  covered  with  bright

            called  Shimla  Villa.  It  was  a  very  big      colours, it had shades of lights too! The
            and  beautiful  village,  well,  almost.  The      birds made nests there to live, squirrels

            village  was  very  beautiful  with                and woodpeckers lived there too!

            mountains and rivers but there was one
            problem – there were no trees at all in            Flower bushes like shrubs grew around

            the village.                                       the  tree,  guarding  its  beauty.  The
                                                               children  were  astonished  to  see  the

            One day, a miracle happened. After the             beautiful tree. Shimla Villa was now the

            first  monsoon  rains,  a  small  magical          most beautiful village of all as it had a
            plant called the Bush of Greenery grew  tree.  Fruits  like  mulberry,  dragon  fruit,

            on  an  18  feet  high  mound  covered  in  peach,  plums  and  all  other  fruits  grew

            sticky moss in the heart of the village. It  on the same tree. What a wonder!

            was  magical  because  it  had  colourful
            leaves  which  gave  light.  The  Bush  of         One  night  ten  tree  robbers  came  to

            Greenery  was  precious  to  the  village          Shimla  Villa,  searching  for  a  tree.
                                                               Suddenly, they saw the Fabulous Tree of
            children  as  they  were  very  fond  of  it.
                                                               Colours  and  Light.  Their  eyes  shining,
            Every  monsoon  after  rains  the  plant

            used  to  grow  until  it  grew  into  a  big      they  struck  upon  a  plan  to  cut  it.  “We

            strong tree called the Fabulous Tree of            have  got  a  tree  to  cut!”,  exclaimed  the
                                                               robbers  loudly  and  made  other  loud
            Colours and Light.
                                                               noises that woke the children from their

             It was useful to everyone in the village,         sleep who  looked out of their windows

            as they all got something from the tree.           and knew what was happening.
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