Page 95 - Udaan 2019-2021 Final
P. 95

Suddenly  the  tree  started  to  glow.  It       Their  stay  with  her  was  joyful  and

            glowed for a long time until finally, it          exciting.  She  showed  them  around

            stopped. “What was that?” asked Tom               Santa’s workshop where Harmony was

            anxiously.                                        an important  candy-maker.

            A silvery voice said “Don’t be afraid,            Harmony  and  the  children  shared

            nothing  bad  will  happen!”  Amazed,             Christmas tales. She gave them candies

            they  stared  at  the  cute  female  elf  in      and gifts. They had lots of fun together.
            front  of  them!  “Hi!  My  name  is

            Harmony. Who are you two and why                  After a few days of fun in this magical

            are you here?”                                    land, Tom thought that the people back in
                                                              their orphanage must be worrying about
            “Hi,  I  am  Tom  and  this  is  my  sister       both of them. He asked Clara if she felt

            Clara.  She  had  just  hugged  her               the same way. “It would be nice to stay

            Christmas  present  when  a  portal               here  a  little  longer,  but  I  suppose  we
            opened  and  we  got  pulled  inside”             should  leave  now”  she  replied.  They

            explained Tom.                                    went to Harmony to say that it was time

                                                              for them to go back to their home.
            Harmony understood. She said, “Oh, it
            must be the magic necklace! Only the              “I will miss you.” Harmony asked them to

            good  kids  get  them  and  get  to  visit        choose an ornament from the tree. Clara

            Santa’s  magical  land.  If  you  want,           chose  a  white  and  pink  one  and  Tom

            you  can  stay  here  with  me  for  some         chose a blue one.
            time”,  said  Harmony.  The  children

            agreed.                                           They  said  their  goodbyes,  Harmony
                                                              muttered  a  spell  and  they  magically

                                                              returned home.

                                                              The next morning Tom and Clara woke

                                                              up in their own beds. They held up their

                                                              ornaments to find Harmony’s cute face

                                                              looking  back  at  them.  The  elf  and  the

                   Sriyansh Das, Class 5                      children became friends for life and lived
                                                              happily ever after...
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