Page 12 - Preparing for Covid-19pdf.pdf.pdf
P. 12
How to Protect Yourself
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1. Wash your hands 2. Avoid touching 4. Cover your cough or 6. Keep your distance of
often with soap and your eyes, nose, and sneeze with a tissue, at least 1 meter from
water for at least 20 mouth with unclean then throw the anyone coughing or
seconds, especially hands. tissue in the trash. sneezing.
after blowing your 3. Keep an alcohol- 5. Stay at home when 7. Practice no-touch
nose, coughing, or based sanitizer you are sick. greetings instead of
sneezing; going to ready for times when handshakes or hugs.
the bathroom; and soap and water are Wave, nod or exchange
before eating or not available. zero touch “namaste”
preparing food. type greetings.