Page 12 - Eta State News - Spring 2019 Color Vol. 78-3
P. 12

Welcome New Eta State NC Inductees                         In Memory of Margaret Church
         Welcome New Eta State NC Inductees
                                                                                 (Continued from page 1)
           Alpha Eta                   Delta Delta
           Bobbi Hatcher               Tara Bissette             Margaret also initiated Alpha Nu’s project to estab-
           Alpha Mu                    Mary Fran Ireland         lish  a  partnership  with  a  local  special  needs  Girl
                                                                 Scout  Troop.  She  worked  with  the  leaders  of  the
           Amy Blake-Lewis             Gamma Delta               troop enabling the girls to earn a DKG Girl Scout
           Alpha Omega                 Kimberly Choate
                                                                 Badge. Most recently Margaret was seeking ways to
           Alice Faucette              Julie Cline               support  the  Girl  Scouts’  summer  dream  trip  to
           Cathy Hart                  Melissa Gibson            Savannah, GA, to visit the home of Juliet Low, founder
           Beta Kappa                  Christina Pennington      of the Girl Scouts of America.
           Sara Smith Cox              Kendra Perkins            Margaret worked to successfully establish the Betsy
           Beta Omicron                Gamma Iota                and  Fred  Cranford  Endowment  as  part  of  the  NC
           Jessica Askew               Andrea Sharpe             DKG Educational Foundation. Margaret also served as
           Hannah Davis                Jennifer Thomas           a  member  of  the  NC DKG  Educational  Foundation
           Gabrielle Wilhoit           Gamma Phi                 Board.
           Beta Pi                     Amy Hough                 Margaret’s  contributions  to  DKG  at  the  Eta  State
           Jenny Bailey                Gamma Theta               NC level include serving on the Rules and Personnel
           Majean Hackett              Stephanie Alford          Committees.  As  chair  of  the  Awards  Committee,
           Lori Puckett                Angela Cronin             she  designed  the  Golden  Key  Award  pin  given
                                                                 annually  to  one  member  in  each  region.  As  a
           Beta Theta                  Gamma Zeta                member of the Leadership Development Committee,
           Jasmine E. Braswell         June Merrill              Margaret created LEROY to symbolize strong lead-
           Ginger L. Casey             Dana Sullivan             ership  traits  and  assisted  in  planning  the  2015
           Michelle R. Griffin         (November 15, 2018)       Leadership Seminar.
           Jamie B. Horner             Jeffrie Holloway          In 2012, Margaret was honored with the regional Star
           Beta Upsilon                Sherrill Moraven          of  the  Southeast  Award  that  recognizes  “women
           Anna Alvarez                Omicron                   who often prefer to serve behind the scenes rather
           Renee D. Oglesby            Kasey Hare                than in the spotlight.” Margaret always gave gener-
           Allison Parker                                        ously of her time and other resources to support
           Phyllis Parker                                        her chapter and Eta State NC.
           Tracey Reason                                         Since Margaret’s death, many people have shared how
           Colby Riggins                                         Margaret  impacted  their  lives  both  personally  and
           Connie S. Smith                                       professionally. DKG sisters throughout the state have
                                                                 expressed  their  gratitude  for  Margaret’s  encourage-
           Tammy D. Snow
                                                                 ment and support as a mentor and a friend. Alpha
                                                                 Nu Chapter cherishes her forty years of service and
           The Eta State News is recognizing all newly inducted
           members. Names and chapters will be published         sisterhood.
            in the issue immediately following receipt of the    Note:  Alpha Nu is accepting memorial contribu-
           new member’s induction fees by the Eta State NC       tions in Margaret’s name to the Girl Scout troop
                                                                 for  their  Savannah  trip.  Send  donations  to:
                                                                 Kim Baker, P.O. Box 481, Drexel, NC 28619.
                   International Conference:

                        Arts & Humanities
                         June 27–29, 2019

               Read more about the Arts & Humanities
                      Conference on pages 13-14

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