Page 3 - Preserve at Tech Investor Report Q3
P. 3


           LOVE. SERVE. CARE.

           The  motto  ‘Love.  Serve.  Care.’  Is  the  backbone  of  our  culture. Adopted
           from Jon Gordon’s book, The Carpenter, this encapsulates what RISE is
           all about. As a faith-based company guided by Godly principles, we place
           a strong emphasis on how we treat our partners, residents and each other.

           We  continually  focus  on  aligning  our  day-to-day  operations  with  our
           values and spend time and resources on team-building activities like daily
           devotions and annual leadership conferences to develop purposeful ways to
           put our principles into practice. The tenure of our RISE team members, the
           high quality of our development, construction, and management services,
           and our life-long client and partner relationships are all testaments to the
           authentic environment that is cultivated within our company.

           Our team is unified through our devotion to our faith and to a higher standard
           of service. We build communities, yes. But we thrive on building meaningful
           relationships. At RISE, we find that giving back is the groundwork for any
           great partnership.

           OUR MISSION

           The RISE mission is to improve lives and impact people positively – one
           person at a time. We believe it really is as simple as that. Numbers are what
           they are. We measure our true success by client satisfaction and by how we
           are able to improve lives in our day-to-day work.

           We  live  out  our  mission  through  leadership  training,  culture  programs,
           community service and The Perry Project. The Perry Project was established
           in 2014 to celebrate Charles Perry, our former managing partner. Generous
           donations from Charles Perry’s friends and family supported our inaugural
           distribution of nearly 3,000 bibles in 2015 and has grown to where we are
           now able to place a bible in every bed we manage and/or develop.
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