Page 28 - Prosper Investor Quarterly Report Academic Year 2021-2022 Quarter 2
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Baltimore Properties I, LLC
    Prosper on Fayette
                                                                                    Financial Analysis Report
                                                                                         Managed by RISE Residential
                                                                                          As of January 31, 2022

                                        08/31/2021 09/30/2021 10/31/2021 11/30/2021 12/31/2021 01/31/2022 02/28/2022 03/31/2022 04/30/2022 05/31/2022 06/30/2022 07/31/2022  Total  Original
                                              Actual    Actual    Actual     Actual    Actual     Actual   Budget     Budget    Budget     Budget    Budget    Budget    Act/Bud    Budget   Variance

        5120 - Gross Potential Rent (GPR)  419,650   419,650   419,650    419,650   419,650   419,650    419,650   419,650    419,650   419,650   419,650    419,650  5,035,800  5,035,800       0
        5125 - Gain/Loss to Lease               0      1,833    (1,123)     (305)    (2,190)     (680)        0          0         0         0          0         0     (2,464)        0     (2,464)
        GROSS RENTAL INCOME               419,650    421,483   418,527    419,345   417,460   418,970    419,650   419,650    419,650   419,650   419,650    419,650  5,033,337  5,035,800   (2,464)

          5220 - Rent Loss-Vacancy        (191,232)  (182,865)  (175,256)  (172,389)  (169,964)  (166,387)  (178,495)  (178,495)  (178,495)  (178,495)  (163,735)  (163,735) (2,099,544) (2,135,885)  36,343
          5221 - Rent Loss-Model            (2,590)   (2,590)   (2,590)    (2,590)   (2,590)    (2,590)   (2,590)   (2,590)    (2,590)   (2,590)    (2,590)   (2,590)  (31,080)   (31,080)       0
          5223 - Employee Units             (2,590)   (2,590)   (2,849)    (3,108)   (3,108)    (3,108)   (3,941)   (3,941)    (3,941)   (3,941)    (3,941)   (3,941)  (40,999)   (47,292)    6,293
          5250 - Concessions              (200,020)  (146,592)  (15,157)   (1,605)   (3,105)     (250)        0          0         0         0          0         0   (366,729)  (367,045)     315
          5255 - Bad Debt Expense               0         0          0     (1,610)   (2,875)    (6,784)       0     (6,877)        0         0          0     (6,100)  (24,245)   (12,976)  (11,269)
        TOTAL COST OF LEASING             (396,432)  (334,637)  (195,852)  (181,302)  (181,642)  (179,119)  (185,026)  (191,903)  (185,026)  (185,026)  (170,266)  (176,366) (2,562,597) (2,594,278)  31,682
       NET RENTAL INCOME                   23,218     86,846   222,675    238,043   235,818   239,851    234,624   227,747    234,624   234,624   249,384    243,285  2,470,740  2,441,522   29,218

        5170 - Parking/Garage Rental       12,775      6,125    26,781      5,950    12,950    13,300     12,775    12,775     12,775    12,775    12,775     12,775   154,531    153,300     1,231
        5920 - Late Charge Income               0       200        850       650       600        650       134        134       134       134        134       134      3,754      1,340     2,414
        5924 - NSF Check Fee Income            35        35          0         0        35        140        35         35        35        35         35        35        455       350       105
        5926 - Administrative Fee               0         0          0       400      2,200         0         0      6,250      5,000     5,000     7,500     10,000    36,350     33,750     2,600
        5930 - Resident Damages                 0         0          0         0         0      2,534         0          0         0         0          0         0      2,534         0      2,534
        5936 - Parking Permit Fees              0         0          0         0         0          0         0      7,000      7,000     7,000     7,000      7,000    35,000     35,000        0
        5951 - Application Fees               325       300        250       275       275        350         0        625       500       500        750      1,000     5,150      3,375     1,775
        5952 - Onetime Pet Fee Income           0         0        500         0         0          0         0          0         0         0          0         0        500         0       500
        5953 - Fines                            0       150        100         0         0          0         0          0         0         0          0         0        250         0       250
        5954 - Replmnt Keys/Cards/Lock Outs   120       300        110       200         0        100         0          0         0         0          0         0        830         0       830
        5956 - Utility Income                   0         0          0     13,737    16,497     6,719         0          0         0         0          0         0     36,953         0     36,953
        5957 - Transfer Fees                    0         0          0         0       250        250         0          0         0         0          0         0        500         0       500
        5964 - Monthly Pet Rent Income          0         0        120       120       120        120        80         80        80        80         80        80        960       960         0
        5146 - Relet Fee                        0         0          0         0       250          0         0          0         0         0          0         0        250         0       250
       TOTAL OTHER INCOME                  13,255      7,110    28,711     21,332    33,177    24,163     13,024    26,899     25,524    25,524    28,274     31,024   278,017    228,075    49,942

     TOTAL INCOME                          36,473     93,956   251,386    259,375   268,995   264,014    247,648   254,646    260,148   260,148   277,658    274,309  2,748,757  2,669,597   79,160

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