Page 176 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report Academic Year 2021-2022 Quarter 2
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OneSite Rents v3.0                     RISE Residential, LLC - Oxford West Apartments                    Page 1 of 9
     01/03/2022   9:09:03AM                  MONTHLY TRANSACTION SUMMARY                                      120.080.133
                                                 Fiscal Period: 052022  as of 12/31/2021

                                                                             YTD At End Of    Activity For   YTD Through
     Group    Code            Description                                      Last Month      This Month     This Month
     CA        GTOR           Gain To Lease In Force                           (181,380.53)    (46,365.00)    (227,745.53)
     CA        LTOR           Loss To Lease In Force                            314,420.26      82,186.00      396,606.26
     CA        RENT           Rent                                             1,410,160.27    349,979.00     1,760,139.27
     CB        LATEFEE        Late Charge                                         6,660.00       2,284.00       8,944.00
     CC        NSFFEE         NSF Check Fee                                        350.00          50.00          400.00
     CE        CLEANING       Charges For Cleaning                                (620.84)        150.00        (470.84)
     CE        DAMAGES        Damage Charges                                      3,920.93        390.00        4,310.93
     CE        KEYS/LOCKS     Extra Keys, Lock-Out Or Lock Changes                 170.00          25.00          195.00
     CG        ACCELRENT      Accelerated Rent                                      0.00            0.00           0.00
     CG        HOLDOVER       Hold Over Fee                                       2,850.00        150.00        3,000.00
     CG        RELETFEE       Reletting Fee                                        958.28         750.00        1,708.28
     CG        TERMFEE        Lease Termination Fee                              10,029.81       5,000.00       15,029.81
     CH        ADMIN          Administrative Fee                                  (720.00)          0.00        (720.00)
     CH        APPFEE         Application Fee                                       90.00           0.00          90.00
     CI        PET RENT       Pet Rent                                            5,472.00       1,438.00       6,910.00
     CI        PETFEE         Non-Refundable Pet Fees                             9,030.00         90.00        9,120.00
     CJ        VENDING        Vending Income                                       115.55           0.00          115.55
     CJ        VIOLFINE       Violation Fine                                      1,175.81         50.00        1,225.81
     CK        ELECTRICITY    Electric Income                                      776.48         230.41        1,006.89
     CK        ELECTRICREIMB  Electric Reimbursement                             30,904.38      31,231.36       62,135.74
     CK        FURN           Furniture Rental                                     374.00          80.00          454.00
     CK        GASREIMB       Gas Reimbursement                                   2,697.96       4,213.47       6,911.43
     CK        UTILITY        Utility Charges                                       23.27           0.00          23.27
     CK        UTILSERVICEFEE  Utilities Service Fee                              3,157.70       2,739.10       5,896.80
     CL        TRANSFER       Transfer Fee                                         150.00           0.00          150.00
     CM        COCOONRESINS   Cocoon Resident Insurance                           (36.00)           0.00         (36.00)
     CM        PROPMAINTFEE   Resident Shield                                    72,720.00        600.00        73,320.00
                                                                   Total:      1,693,449.33    435,271.34     2,128,720.67
     PN        MISCCRED       Miscellaneous Credit                                 495.20           0.00          495.20
     PQ        OFCRCRED       Courtesy Office Rent Allowance                      5,920.00       1,480.00       7,400.00
     PR        EMPLCRED       Employee Unit Rent Credit                          12,125.00       3,076.00       15,201.00
     PS        DEPAPPLIED     Deposit Applied To Charges Due                      9,596.65        484.06        10,080.71
     PT        VACADMIN       Vacancy Loss For Model                              5,660.00       1,415.00       7,075.00
     PT        VACANCY        Vacancy Loss                                      342,714.00      79,944.00      422,658.00
     PV        COLLECTIONFEE  Collection Agency %                                  437.16           0.00          437.16
     PV        LOST           Lost To Uncollectible                              34,550.27          0.00        34,550.27
     PW        CONC/SPECL     Concession Or Move In Special                       5,641.50          0.00        5,641.50
     PX        GTOL           Gain To Lease In Force                           (181,380.53)    (46,365.00)    (227,745.53)
     PX        LTOL           Loss To Lease In Force                            314,420.26      82,186.00      396,606.26
     PZ        PMTCHECK       Payment By Check                                    2,934.77          0.00        2,934.77
     PZ        PMTMOVEDEP 58  Move Payment to Deposit Ledger                      (750.00)          0.00        (750.00)
     PZ        PMTOPACH       OSP ACH Payment                                   677,581.65     166,878.02      844,459.67
     PZ        PMTOPCARD      OSP Credit Card Payment                           417,797.54      92,740.13      510,537.67
     PZ        PMTOPIRD       OSP IRD Payment                                    83,076.96      22,116.91      105,193.87
                                                                   Total:      1,730,820.43    403,955.12     2,134,775.55
     IU        DEPMOVEDEP 58  Move to Deposit                                      750.00           0.00          750.00
     IU        DEPOPACH       OSP ACH Deposit                                     3,250.00        250.00        3,500.00
     IU        DEPOPCARD      OSP Credit Card Deposit                              500.00           0.00          500.00
     IU        DEPOPIRD       OSP IRD Deposit                                     6,000.00       1,250.00       7,250.00
                                                                   Total:        10,500.00       1,500.00       12,000.00
     OU        APPLYDEP       Apply Deposit To Charges Due                        9,596.65        484.06        10,080.71
     OU        REFUNDDEP      Deposit Refunded                                   21,546.00        265.94        21,811.94
                                                                   Total:        31,142.65        750.00        31,892.65
     935 IU    DEPMOVEDEP 58  Move to Deposit (Prepaids Moved to Deposits Ledgers)   4,122.65       0.00        4,122.65
     935 PZ    PMTMOVEDEP 58  Move Payment to Deposit Ledger                    (4,122.65)          0.00       (4,122.65)
     935                      Net Prepaids Moved To Deposit Ledger: 0.00
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