Page 7 - RISE General Overview Booklet 4.19.22
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Paul Morgan, Senior VP of Project Management LEED AP
As Senior Vice President of Project pride in resolving project issues fairly and
Management, Paul Morgan is responsible expeditiously. He has extensive experience in
for the development of facilities for RISE negotiating contracts, fees, site assessment,
university partner’s building programs. Morgan budget development, cost control, design
is involved in all aspects of the process from management, and construction administration.
pre-development to the successful delivery of Since joining RISE in 2001, Morgan has
the product. Morgan demonstrates expertise successfully managed the on-time and on-
in team building, and maintaining working budget delivery of 16,294 beds of student
relationships with clients, consultants, housing, totaling over 6.1 Million SF with a
contractors, and facility operators. He takes combined total budget of over $1.18 Billion.
Jeremy Doss, Senior VP of Development LEED AP
As Senior Vice President of Development, design generation, proforma and cost analysis,
Jeremy Doss is responsible for creating rental rate verification, leading and managing
development opportunities for the Team by team members and consultants as well as
introducing RISE’s services to Higher Ed meticulously monitoring the overall schedule
clients as well as working closely with these and progress of each of his projects to ensure
collegiate partners throughout the development that RISE’s high standards and commitment to
process for on-campus housing, dining, client satisfaction are always delivered. Since
retail, structured parking and other revenue serving as a RISE Intern during the Summer
generating campus facilities. With over 20 years of 2001, Doss has led the development of 37
of experience at RISE, his key functions include projects totaling 24,466 beds and over 8.1
creating and cultivating close relationships Million SF, which cumulate for a total cost in
with clients, spearheading RFP production, excess of $1.6 Billion.
overseeing programmatic and conceptual
Matt Marshall, VP of Development
Matthew Marshall is responsible for the creation, throughout his career; Marshall has experience
implementation and completion of new business in multiple residential uses including market
development opportunities for RISE. Diverse, rate housing, mixed-uses, building conversions
higher education housing markets are a focus for and extensive rehab projects. Marshall has
both market rate and student housing pursuits over 19 years of industry experience developing
for Marshall. Participating in all phases of the over 7,000 market rate apartments, and over
development process to ensure a positive and 21 student housing transactions. Working for
successful experience for all partners, campuses both public and private firms with an array of
and municipalities is Marshall’s perpetual financing models and development structures
pursuit. While higher education real estate enables Marshall to be a creative and productive
development has been a consistent theme member of the team.
Ryan Bourque, VP of Development
As a VP of Development, Bourque is responsible role, Bourque also serves as the liaison between
for overseeing all elements of multi-family, the RISE design consultant team, construction
mixed-use and student housing projects from team and all other project members.
pre-development activities through project Bourque has over 15 years of development
completion. This includes the oversight and and construction management experience.
coordination of contractors, professional Bourque earned his BA in Arts and Sciences
consultants, architects and engineers, in from the University of Georgia and completed
addition to serving as the project’s primary Construction Management courses from Purdue
contact for equity stakeholders, university University.
officials and local government entities. In this