Page 34 - natural remedies
P. 34

rub the juice on your scarred areas.  Leave it on until it dries thoroughly.

                   Wash it off and pat dry.  Don’t use this process every day, because it

                   may cause your skin to dry.  You can, however, use it about three times

                   a week.  Before long, you’ll begin to see results.

               •  Tea tree oil—Like lemons, tea tree oil can be used to cure acne and to

                   reduce scarring.  It is found in just about any grocery store.  When you

                   put tea tree oil on your skin, it sooths the skin.  If you use it daily on your

                   scarred areas, you’ll see the scars begin to fade away.

               •  Tomatoes—They are used to treat acne scars, because tomatoes are

                   the skin correctors. They remove the pigmentation and improve your

                   skin tone. Take a small tomato and cut it in half.  Rub the tomato over

                   the damaged, scarred area thoroughly.  Leave it on for about 30

                   minutes.  Wash it off completely and pat your face dry.

               Nature provides us with everything we need to remain healthy if we know

               where to look and what to look for.  You were born to have clear, acne-free

               skin.  You just need to find Nature’s way of giving it to you.  It may take a

               little bit of inexpensive trial and error, but in the long run, it will be worth it.

               Give it a try.  After all, what have you got to lose?

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