Page 8 - Urja vigyan book-Jeena Seekho
P. 8

exeSed        s e r e n c e betfe      areca        o m e r t e r a & e k o t        a t e rr e

                    COLOURED MAGNETIC AURA WITH 7 CHAKRAS                              = CROWN (SPRITUAL) CHAKRA
                                                                                            (ageste)   dtfareres  wider
                        afeerat a ant ar denfaran aeace verftar                             Control our all 6 chakras.
                                                                                            R    i        i       i
                      Bet &a r e ster o r a P r o g e n f e a (WHO)                          Se S a r unmenes

                                 F      T             ne                                THIRD EYE (AAGYA) CHAKRA
                                       w o              ?Shay                              ( H O T A ) f r e a e d t wféeer
                                                                                           Brow Chakra & Sixth Sense
                                                                                           Control Mind & Thoughts.

                                                                                        THROAT (VISUDHA) C H A K R A
                                                                                                           a f e r
                                                                                           Control our communication,
                                                                                        Glands, Hormones & Personality.
                                                                                           HEART (ANAHATA) CHAKRA
                                                                                                  a r e n a u f t e r
                                                                                             Regulates Blood & Oxygen
                                                                                          circulation to all Celts & Tissues.
                                                                                            Liver, Gall Bladder & Lungs.

                                                                                            udteres, trarfiraror a f e r
                                                                                        onours Life Force Energy & Personal
                                                                                         Power. Regulates Body Balance.

                                                                                            SACRUM (HARA) CHAKRA
                                                                                              (eenftrever) sivas wide
                                                                                          Control Uterus, Overy & Genetic
                                                                                          Functions & Lymphatic System? =
                                                                                             ROOT (BASE) CHAKRA          a
                                                                                       Carrere) queredetecin       oF
                                                                                              Balance our all Chakras,
                                                                                             Receives Magnet energies
                                                                                             Elements power from. Earth.
                                                                                                     .  f e e s  w e
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