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       ADDCO Has An Undeniable Legacy

       Etched In The History Of The UAE

      It gives me immense pleasure to witness
      ADDCO grow by leaps and bounds since
      1968. What started as a passion project

      decades ago has now contributed
      considerably to the development of UAE’s

      The future plans of ADDCO include                       ADDCO is always on hand to partner with
      international expansion, development of                 NGOs and social service organizations to
 SUSTAINABILITY IS PART OF OUR DNA  sustainable energy programs, R & D into  improve the livelihood of communities. We

      genetic engineering, robotics, investments              believe the key to grow and prosper is by
 The name of ADDCO is synonymous with growth and prosperity. The group  in fintech startups, establishing smart
 has helped to transform the region; while simultaneously putting the United  automobile companies, setting up health-  standing together during all times. Finally,
 Arab Emirates on the map. In line with the ideology of sustainable investing,  care facilities, partnerships with educational  I’d like to say that ADDCO has left its foot-
 ADDCO has always put the interests of society and humankind first; with our  institutes and the list goes on. With more  print all over the GCC region, and I hope in

 sustainable projects spanning a multitude of industries.     the foreseeable future, the group extends
      than 50 companies under our group, we are               its endeavors across different continents.
      poised to change the outlook of the region.
 ADDCO continuously strives to develop novel ideas and concepts to empower
 communities. The leadership aims to equip the youth of today with the       ZAYED BIN AWEIDHA

 required skills to become leaders of tomorrow. Our thinktank identifies
 opportunities that have a long-lasting impact on the society. ADDCO’s long  ADDCO Continues Towards Its  Managing Director
 term vision is to create equal opportunities on a global scale to mobilize  Journey Of Success And Prosperity.
 societies and create a prosperous future for all.
        For Us, It Is Only Onwards And

 ADDCO is well placed to transition into the digital landscape; and to that end,  Upwards From Here.
 we already have signed several MOUs to establish technology programs all
 over the globe. The group aims to become one of the first in the region to

 leverage the opportunities of a digital economy.

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