Page 11 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 11


                                          Rev. Fr. Mathew Puthenpura CST

        I had the rare chance to visit the Sewagram Ashram, Wardha
        during my theology studies at St Charles seminary, Nagpur.
        (1977-81) Every academic  year  we were given the  permis-

        sion for a one-day outing. Some of us came together and made
        the strategy to visit Acharya
        Vinobha  Bhava’s Ashram.
        He was an Indian advocate
        of non-violence  and human
        rights. Often called  Acha-
        rya, he is best known for the
        ‘Bhoodan Movement’. He
        was the disciple of Mahatma

        The day we reached the Ash-
        ram was a day of fasting and
        silence for Acharya Vinobha.
        The inmates  of the ashram
        gave us the permission to
        have a gaze of him. We were
        asked to give our names in
        writing.  We were six in the
        group and the  name  of one brother  was  Thomas.  Vinobha
        scribbled something at the back of the paper and gave back to

         “Doubting Thomas”, he wrote. It came as a surprise for us.
        The world today is full of doubting Thomases. In fact, a little
        of Thomas lurks in us all. Many today simply do not believe
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