Page 29 - PushpaTarang_July
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mark the occasion, the Holy Father has proclaimed “Year of
Saint Joseph”. As St Joseph is the Patron of our seminary, the
seminary community inaugurated the year of St. Joseph on 7th
January 2021. Mar George Madathilkandathil began the year of
St Joseph by lighting the lamp.
Seminar on Media and Literature
As a part of the Centenary celebrations of SH League, a Semi-
nar on Media and Literature was organized on 20th January
2021. Mr. Johney Lukose (Manorama News) and Mr. Francis
Norona (Malayalam Author) presented papers on Media and
Literature. Rev. Fr. Rector inaugurated the Seminar and Rev.
Dr. Joseph Kollara was the Moderator for the session.
Arts Festival
Seminary Community organized an Arts Festival on 21st Janu-
ary 2021. All participated in the Festival in which the third-year
Philosophers (Ardents-Levites) got the first prize. First-year
Theologians (Nazrayans) bagged the second prize and second-
year philosophers (Ericks) grabbed the third prize.
Concluding of SH Centenary celebration
SH League as a publishing house, celebrated its centenary year.
The Publication was able to achieve its vision as to proclaim the
Gospel, defend the faith and build a value-based community
within this span of hundred years. On 21st January 2021, His
Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alenchery Major Archbishop
of Syro Malabar Church delivered the benedictory address and
Prof. M.K. Sanu was the Chief Guest for the concluding cer-