Page 41 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 41
5. Festival of the faith : Seminars for children
Three days children’s camp was arranged in Subira Parish.
UMI sisters helped to conduct the camp. We are thankful to
the friends who extended their helping hands to actualise this
dream. One day seminars were arranged for children. OSB Sis-
ters and CMC sisters gave classes to the chilren.
We thank God for the control of the deadly disease in Kenya.
We had peaceful celebration of Christmas and New Year ob-
serving the Covid 19 protocols.
1. Celebration of Baptism, First Communion and Con-
firmation were the most important part of our pastoral min-
istry. Many children including adults got different steps of our
Christian faith.
2. Normality of Living By the Grace of God : Even though
there are threats of Corona everywhere in the world, Kenya is
coming to its normal functioning by the grace of God. All the
schools are working regularly from January 4th, 2021. Church-
es and its functions are also normal keeping the Covid 19 pro-
3. St. Peter and Paul Primary school : There is a primary
school here under the management of the Parish. It is a school
with no proper buildings. Under the tin sheet shade they are
learning. Still in the public exam of March 2021, our candidates
performed well and the school was rated the best among the
nearby schools. It was the first time our school got exam centre
and this is the first result of the school in the public exam.