Page 19 - Luce 2020
P. 19

C ouncil  N ews

            Expression of interest – Council and Council Sub-Committee Membership

            As part of its succession planning, the   Under its Constitution, the College is   Council aims to maintain a strong
            Council of Janet Clarke Hall is always   governed by a Council of up to twelve   collective skill set while reflecting
            open to expressions of interest from   Directors who bring a range of expertise   within its composition the diversity of
            alumni who may have a desire to give   to this body.  Appointments are for   the College and the wider community,
            back to the College through service to   a term of three years, with an option   including individuals from a variety
            Council or one of its committees.  of possible reappointment for two   of cultural backgrounds and ages. At
                                              further terms of three years. Council   the present time, it seeks expressions
            Acknowledging the significant challenges  meets regularly throughout the year,   from interested alumni possessing
            currently facing the College and the   and Council members also serve on   experience and skills in development
            wider community, Council seeks to   subcommittees focused on governance,   and fundraising, and marketing and
            further the vision and mission of Janet   finance, and philanthropy.  Council may   communications.
            Clarke Hall as ‘a leading academic   also appoint non-Directors as members
            college offering a supportive and   of Council Sub-Committees with an eye
            intellectual environment for students’.  to expertise.

            For further information and to receive a copy of the expressions-of-interest form please email:

                                      At his final Council meeting in December   In 2019 we were pleased to
                                      2019, Paul Turner shared these farewell    welcome three new members
                                      reflections with his colleagues.           to the College Council

                                      It has been a privilege and pleasure to have served
                                      JCH for the last eleven years.

                                      This College has a long track record of Council
                                      members who have stayed on for a lengthy period
                                      of time, and there are good reasons for this:
                                      above all, the excellent collegiality, the respectful
                                      relationships, and the professionalism of the Council
                                      and College leadership, along with the fact that that
             we all care so passionately about Janet Clarke Hall.                Elly Grace (1995) is Client Relationship
                                                                                 Manager for fintech firm GBST, and
             Over the eleven years, some things at JCH haven’t changed at all (thank goodness!)   brings extensive experience in finance,
             and some things have changed a lot.                                 law, strategy, technology, risk and
             What hasn’t changed? JCH continues to be led by a Council and Principal passionate
             about the education and development of young people, a Council and Principal
             who care about the College, care about its mission, care about its community of
             young adults. It operates in a way which is always respectful, dignified, friendly, and
             principled. The College has been able to achieve steady, stable, enduring and wise
             leadership in often complex and rapidly changing times.

             But what has changed?  Several things: Back in 2007 the Council’s assumption
             (perhaps unspoken) was that that our small size was a vulnerability and that ‘bigger
             was better’. Our strategic planning was around trying to get larger and expand, with   Allan Joseland (1988) has extensive
             much angst around the fact that this was very difficult for us. We have spent a great   commercial and operational
             deal of time thinking about this and our strategic planning and vision are now very   experience and currently serves as
             clear. We are sure that our small size is in fact a great asset, to be treasured. We now   General Manager for Safety, Property
             understand that the quality of the experiences we are able to afford our students is   & Capital Works for the RACV.
             much more important than expansion, that community building – rather than empire
             building – is what defines us.

             The College has achieved much over the last decade and has also steered a
             steady and sensible course while dealing with some significant challenges (too
             many achievements and too many challenges to mention here). As I move on
             from Council, it’s my passionate hope that the College will always be led by a
             Council and a Principal committed to a truly student-centred and value-centred
             organisation, avoiding the temptations of just being a well-run business. I hope
             that JCH will always be a place where young adults can thrive in an environment   Bronwen Moncrieff (1983) is General
             which is supportive of their needs; an environment which challenges them and   Manager and Head of Research for
             has high expectations and sound moral values; an environment which is respectful   Zenith Investment Partners, and brings
             and dignified. I hope it will be a place where the College’s students can have fun   a wealth of experience in financial
             as young adults while also valuing academic achievement, intellectual thought,   planning and investments.
             respectful relationships, sound moral qualities, and life within a community.
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