Page 9 - Luce 2020
P. 9
N ews a nd Events
Prof Triggs’ address made reference to her latest book
Speaking Up, and in doing so shared some interesting insights
into Australia’s legal and political climate regarding human
rights law. Not only did Prof Triggs speak about her experience
as President of the Human Rights Commission, and all that
she had learnt and contributed whilst in the role, but she also
spoke about the future.
Some interesting discussion during the Q&A session about
Australia’s current treatment of refugees and asylum seekers
gave rise to Prof Triggs’ expanding on her view that Australia’s
lack of a constitutionally enshrined Charter of Human Rights
In Conversation prohibits necessary action in upholding human rights to all
who live or wish to live in our country.
with Professor Gillian Triggs
After the address and question time, attendees at the event
An afternoon with Prof Gillian Triggs (1964) during late had the opportunity to have Prof Triggs sign their copy of
March provided JCH alumni, staff and students with a unique Speaking Up and to enjoy each other’s company over a lovely
insight into her experiences as former President of the Human afternoon tea.
Rights Commission, a recently published author, and a past
student of Janet Clarke Hall. Thank you to Prof Triggs for the time she spends at Janet
Clarke Hall, and for engaging in events such as these. Students
Prof Triggs is extremely well regarded amongst the College and staff of the College look forward to welcoming her back
residents and attends many formal events through the year, on many future occasions.
such as the Leadership and Literature Dinners. Like many other
JCH students, I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity Hilly Pammer-Green
to interact with an esteemed figure such as Prof Triggs. She 2020 Student Club President
is always genuinely engaged with students and their studies
across all faculties and disciplines.
In August 2019 UN Secretary-General António Guterres Gillian Triggs served for five years as President of the
announced the appointment of Prof Gillian Triggs to the Australian Human Rights Commission (2012-2017). She
position of Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, is Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow and Emeritus Professor at the
one of the top four positions in UNHCR’s senior University of Melbourne.
management structure.
Jessie Traill: A Biography Career Development Forums
by Jo Oliver, Australian Scholarly Publishing
Our students enjoyed the opportunity to attend a two-part
forum series focusing on career development.
Although Jessie Traill never lived in Janet Clarke
Hall, her lifelong association with the College The first session focused on career planning, particularly
is deeply imprinted on our history, including when paths change. A panel of early-career professionals
through the magnificent artworks that adorn with experience spanning project management, education,
the College walls. Jessie’s association with the medicine, communications and not-for-profit shared
College flowed in part from her sister, Elsie, who lived in their stories with our students, whose insightful questions
residence from 1895 to 1898; it was cemented by her abiding guided a discussion about making an impact and following
friendship with long-serving Principal Miss Enid Joske, as opportunities.
their lives intersected through the decades and into old
age on adjoining properties at Harkaway (then a rural idyll, The second session was presented by former resident tutor
magnificently rendered in the Jessie Traill triptych which today Hugh Gundlach, a lecturer and PhD candidate in Education
hangs in the Senior Common Room).
at the University of Melbourne. Hugh was knowledgeable and
engaging, speaking to our students about job applications,
Jo Oliver’s biography is a welcome and scholarly portrait of interviews, and employability in the digital age. Many students
Jessie which draws on diary extracts and personal letters to stayed to ask specific questions about fine-tuning their
explore Jessie’s remarkable life, from her childhood meeting resumes and how to approach prospective employers. Thank
with Tom Roberts to her service as a volunteer nurse during you to all who presented and attended, and to the kitchen staff
the Great War. This important and accessible work brings to for the delicious suppers.
life one of Australia’s most important female artists.
Emily Delahunty
Dr Damian Powell Tutor and Pastoral Care Coordinator
J anet Clarke Hall 9