Page 16 - Luce 2017
P. 16
J unior C o mmon Ro om
O Week Dodge Ball. College Ball.
From the
Student Club President
I was elected at the start of 2017 and I Transparency is always an issue that experience which I know I will carry
walked into my first meeting clueless is brought up with the executive. with me into the future.
about the challenges that lay ahead. I Decisions must often be made quickly
was very fortunate to have an executive without consulting the student club The new Executive Committee was
that was organised and willing to and this can cause tension. This year elected in the middle of second
help me learn alongside the staff who we implemented an online ‘Suggestion semester and they have already made
supported me right from the start. Box’ so that students could provide their mark on the College. As difficult as
feedback to us that we would discuss in it is to hand the reins over to someone
We faced a lot of difficulties this year. our weekly meetings. I believe that this else, it is an honour to watch other
For a while I thought that my legacy initiative gave the students more of a students succeed by building on the
would be the President who turned voice inside the College. Every week we foundation you left for them. Each year
JCH into a dry College! However, we would see around five new suggestions at College is better than the last and I
managed to pull through and there is for us and I was very impressed with the wish Janet Clarke Hall all the very best
a lot to be proud of. We purchased a respectful way students addressed their for 2018.
new stage with the help of the College, concerns. This idea is a work in progress
rewrote the Student Club Constitution, but I think one of the most important Sasha Greenaway
solved the issues of liquor licensing parts of being President is making sure Student Club President
and Student Club insurance and the students are heard.
most importantly, we revamped the
roof space to make it more useful for When I ran for President my focus was
students. on what I could do with the role. Now
it is over, I can really see how the role
The roof project was discussed right at has positively impacted me as a person.
the start of our term and as an executive I am much more confident at public
we made it our goal to leave a physical speaking, I have experience in running
mark on the College. I really enjoyed meetings and making decisions, I can
this project and, whilst it was very manage my life efficiently and ensure
time consuming, to hear the positive that I am working effectively. These are
feedback from the students made it all skills that can’t be taught in a university
worth it. and I am very lucky to have had this
Miranda Williams, Sasha Greenaway,
Shani Brampton
Mara Quach. Down at the river bank
16 LUCE Number 16 2017