Page 35 - Luce 2017
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Janet Clarke Hall The University of Melbourne 2017

            President of Janet Clarke Hall  The Most Rev’d Dr Philip Freier  COLLEGE STAFF
                                                                Principal                Dr Damian Powell
            College Visitor          Prof Peter Doherty AC      Acting Principal         Mrs Donna Davies
                                                                Vice-Principal           Ms Fiona Cadorel
            Fellows                  Dr Valerie Asche AM        Director of Studies      Mrs Donna Davies
                                     Hon Rosemary Balmford AM  †  Acting Director of Studies  Dr Katherine Firth
                                     Prof Elizabeth Blackburn AC  Bursar                 Ms Jennifer Smith
                                     Dr Fiona Caro              Director of Development  Ms Shelley Roberts
                                     Prof Adrienne Clarke AC    Office Manager           Ms Carolyn Stewart
                                     Mrs Jaan Enden             Bookkeeper               Ms Mari Nicholls
                                     Dr Helen Garner            Facilities Manager       Mr Bruce Stewart
                                     Dr Margaret Henderson OBE  †  IT Coordinator        Mr Roger Ward
                                     Prof Mary Hiscock                                   Mr Amrick Singh
                                     Mrs Penelope Lewisohn      Librarian                Ms Jennifer Martin
                                     Dr Lynne McArthur Reid
                                     Dr Fay Marles AM           RESIDENT TUTORS          Mr David Chan
                                     Prof Cheryl Saunders AO                             Ms Caroline Hart
                                     Mr Timothy Thwaites                                 Ms Julia Hastings
                                     Prof Gillian Triggs                                 Dr Richard Liu
                                     Prof Sally Walker AM                                Ms Nadia Mazarakis
                                     Prof Alexandra Walsham CBE                          Ms Shan Windscript
                                     Prof Judith Whitworth AC                            Mr Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston

            COUNCIL                                             Music Scholar            Dr Anna Goldsworthy
            Chair of Council         Ms Margaret Richardson
            Deputy Chair             Ms Jan McGuinness          Artist-In-Residence      Ms Alice Pung
            Chair of Finance &       Mr Anthony Wood
            Investment Committee                                STUDENT CLUB EXECUTIVE
                                     Mr Stephen Higgs           President                Mr James Boon
                                     Mr Alex Murphy                                      Ms Sasha Greenaway
                                     Adjunct Prof Clare Pullar  Vice-President           Ms Celine Lau
                                     Ms Jennifer Ross           Secretary                Mr Peter Robertson
                                     Prof Susan Sawyer                                   Ms Chloe Wheatland
                                     Ms Anne Shea               Treasurer                Mr Arman Bhagat
                                     Mr Paul Turner             General Representative   Mr Ryan Hayward
                                     Prof Julie Willis          Arts and Cultural Representative  Ms Miranda Williams
                                                                Sports Representative    Ms Mara Quach
                                                                Sports Representative    Mr Joshua Healey

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