Page 22 - Luce 2022
P. 22

N ews a nd  Events

                            Personal and


                            Early in 2022, the College
                            contracted consultant and
                            trainer, Mr Josh Farr, to run
          a number of sessions on personal and leadership
          development. JCH student, Ayva Jones, who
          became Student Club President in 2023, reports on
          the positive impact of the training.
                                                             Sporting debates, marathons,

          Since my arrival at Janet Clarke Hall early in 2022, I have been
          very grateful for the many opportunities to focus on personal   and the inaugural Clarkerun
          development. Thanks to the kind generosity of a donor, the
          training offered with Josh Farr is a great example of how JCH   While everyone wants to forget about lockdowns in Melbourne,
          encourages residents to grow, not only as students, but also as   a ‘normal semester 2’ at JCH was a foreign concept for the
          leaders.                                           majority of the students. If 2022 is anything to go by, it seems that
                                                             the emerging theme was ‘sport’.
          Josh has visited us several times over the past year, focusing
          on different elements of personal growth each time. The first   Hot on the heels of the Mid-Winter Debate which saw the SCR
          training I did with Josh focused on what it means to have   and JCR battle it out over whether the College motto should
          a growth mindset. This session taught us to keep moving   be the ‘Leading Sporting College’, and the arrival of the new
          forward with our goals and helped us break them down into   Principal, Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan – a marathon runner herself
          achievable steps, with strategies to help us accomplish them.   – it seemed like a newfound passion for all things exercise-related
          The next training centred around leadership, encouraging us   had been fostered throughout the College.
          to assess our values and align our goals with them. I found this
          session particularly interesting as it took place not long after   This passion was further supported by empirics. While JCH
          our student leadership team was formed, and it was a really   students continued to excel academically, 2022 was a year of
          inspiring way to start our term as the Student Executive.  sporting triumphs: a 3rd place finish for our mixed hockey team –
                                                             the only college to enter a mixed team in the men’s division two
          Over the summer break, I was fortunate enough to work   years running; the equal achievement of the women’s volleyball
          with Josh to prepare the training for our 2023 Welcome   team, and the remarkable 2nd place finish by the incredible
          Week leaders during N-Week. We discussed our previous   squash team – JCH’s first major final in several years.
          experiences with Welcome Week, and focused on both
          the highs and lows to make sure we were prepared for any   This new passion for sport brought with it what will hopefully
          potential issues that could emerge throughout the week.   become a staple event for JCH students – Clarkerun! An apt play
          We then completed a special session just for the members   on the word Parkrun, the name of the weekend running event,
          of the Executive, in which we discussed what we wanted to   the Friday before the beginning of exams saw students rise a little
          accomplish and provide for the Student Club.       earlier than usual to take part in Clarkerun, a 5km run (and brisk
                                                             walk) around Princes Park to let off a little steam and stress.
          During Welcome Week, Josh returned to talk to our new
          students about how to set yourself up for success at the   While somewhat chillier and wetter than one would have liked,
          beginning of your university journey. This session was also   it was great so see so many students take to the running track.
          really helpful for the leaders who attended. I feel so lucky to   Despite the focus of Clarkerun generally being a relaxed event
          have been part of Josh’s training, and even luckier to get the   with no specific time goals in mind, many students eagerly tried
          chance to help him design sessions that specifically meet the   to beat Dr Spencer-Regan on the 5km loop around the park!
          needs of Janet Clarke Hall.
                                                             While still very light-hearted, special congratulations must go
          His insight and clear advice always leave me feeling   to Jack Kervin and Will Thomas who were both a little speedier
          motivated and better equipped to achieve my goals. This is   than our Principal, and also to the small group of walkers who
          a shared sentiment, with one student describing Josh as ‘a   faced the rain (and cold) to cheer us on as we rounded the corner
          very engaging speaker who made four hours fly by’. Another   near College Crescent.
          student said, ‘As a new University student, the nine tips to
          thrive are incredibly helpful, especially on how to manage   Was it the newfound love of sport or the promise of brunch back
          [our] time’.                                       at College upon their return that prompted the students to take
                                                             part?  One will never know, but there is already talk that JCH
          We are so privileged to have Josh return to JCH on a regular   students (and staff alike) are training for running events in 2023
          basis, and it is an opportunity I encourage my fellow students   – be it the intercollegiate cross-country or another half- or full-
          to make the most of. I believe that these are the kind of   marathon event – alongside the Principal and this resident tutor.
          experiences that set residential colleges – particularly JCH –
          apart, as the focus is not only on academic achievement but   Long live Clarkerun!
          on developing the whole person.
                                                             Aidan Carter
                                                             Resident Tutor
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