Page 29 - Luce 2022
P. 29

S enior  C o mmon  Ro om

            Alumni Jazz and
            Christmas Cocktails                               Formalities were brief to allow for maximum enjoyment of each
                                                              other’s company. Dr Spencer- Regan spoke of the pleasure in
            It was a glorious December evening as Janet Clarke Hall   being able to host events again after lockdown and took the
            welcomed alumni back to the College for an opportunity to   opportunity to express the College’s gratitude for the generous
            meet the new Principal, Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan, and to   support from alumni. Incoming Student Club President, Ayva
            celebrate the end of another successful year at JCH.  Jones, told her story of moving from Hamilton to study at
                                                              the University of Melbourne and finding a home at JCH. She
            The garden courtyard was resplendently verdant after recent   expressed her gratitude to those who have given so generously
            rains, a Christmas tree brightened the Senior Common   to support the scholarship which has allowed her to live in JCH.
            Room, and beautiful red and white floral arrangements
            adorned the Junior Common Room. The lovely sounds of   We look forward to more of these delightful gatherings in 2023.
            the Jennifer Salisbury Trio played in the background while
            alumni, young and not-so-young, mingled with staff and   Margie Welsford
            swapped stories of their College days.            Deputy Principal

            The winners of the 2022 Arts Alumni Awards were presented   completing her Juris Doctor at the University of Melbourne.
            with their awards by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts (and JCH   She is the CEO of Oaktree, a non-profit that supports
            Council member), The Rev’d Prof. Russell Goulbourne, at a   young people in the Asia-Pacific region to lead sustainable
            ceremony at the State Library of Victoria in October.  development initiatives in their communities. Recently,
                                                               her team pioneered a new approach to international
            Thenu Herath (2016) received the ‘Rising Star Award for   development that focuses on solidarity, decolonisation
            Young Alumni’.                                     and collaboration – an approach which was shared at the
                                                               Australian Council for International Development’s Annual
            The prize is awarded to an individual who is 30 years of   Conference (2021), alongside representatives from DFAT and
            age or under and has demonstrated an outstanding level of   leading development NGOs. Thenu has previously worked
            professional achievement and community involvement since   with World Vision and Teach for Australia. She is also a
            graduating from the University of Melbourne and/or has been   Global Shaper at the World Economic Forum, co-author
            recognised by colleagues and peers for their outstanding   of Australia’s first youth national security strategy and an
            leadership and impact as a global citizen.         executive team member of the Commonwealth Human Rights
                                                               and Democracy Network.
            Thenu was JCH Student Club President in 2018, her third
            year in the College. She graduated in 2019 and holds a   In November 2022, Thenu was appointed to the Board
            BA in Politics and International Studies. She is currently   of Directors at the Australian Council for International

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