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C ouncil  N ews

          New JCH Fellows in 2022

          In February 2022 the JCH Council announced
          the appointment of four new Fellows.

          The Honourable Diana Bryant AO QC
          Ms Erika Feller AO
          Prof. Ruth Fincher AM
          Ms Margaret Richardson AM

                                  Congratulations to         Celebrating an exciting leadership role for
                                  JCH Fellow, Prof.          Prof. Anna Goldsworthy
                                  Cheryl Saunders AO
                                                             In July 2022, JCH Kenneth Moore Memorial Music Scholar,
                                  Prof. Cheryl Saunders is   Prof. Anna Goldsworthy, commenced in her new role as
                                  Laureate Professor Emeritus   Director of the University of Adelaide’s Elder Conservatorium
                                  at Melbourne Law School.   of Music.
                                  In June 2022, she was
                                  awarded the prestigious    An award-winning pianist, writer, and festival director, with a
                                  international Tang Prize   long-standing interest in creative education and practice, Prof.
          in Rule of Law, recognising her outstanding contribution   Goldsworthy is the first female director of the Conservatorium,
          to comparative constitutional law, including its practical   one of the oldest tertiary music schools in Australia.
          application through constitutional engagement in the Asia-
          Pacific region.                                    Announcing her appointment, Professor Peter Høj AC, Vice-
                                                             Chancellor and President of the University of Adelaide said,
          The Tang Prize Selection Committee paid tribute to   ‘The Elder Conservatorium of Music is a much loved part of
          Prof. Saunders’ pioneering scholarship, noting that she   the University of Adelaide and helps us maintain a strong
          ‘consistently broadens the boundaries of comparative   connection with the wider community. I am excited that a
          constitutional law scholarship through active engagement,   musician of Anna’s reputation has been chosen to guide this
          dialogue and collaboration with scholars and political   unique and vibrant community of musicians.’
          actors at home and abroad’.
                                                             Prior to commencing as Director, Anna was Associate
          Prof. Saunders is President Emeritus of the International   Professor at the Conservatorium for several years and also
          Association of Constitutional Law, an Officer of the Order   Director of the University’s J.M. Coetzee Centre for Creative
          of Australia and a Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur,   Practice.
          France. She is an elected Fellow of the Academy of Social
          Sciences in Australia, a Fellow of the British Academy and   ‘The Elder Conservatorium of Music is a jewel in the
          a foundation Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law.  University of Adelaide’s crown. It is one of the most venerable
                                                             music institutions in Australia,’ said Anna. ‘It has been a part
          Founded in 2014 by Dr Samuel Yin, the Tang Prize is a   of my life since childhood, and I am passionately committed
          Taiwan-based biennial award given out in four fields:   to seeing it flourish. As a woman I am very excited about
          Sustainable Development, Biopharmaceutical Science,   stepping into this leadership position, and hope to be the
          Sinology, and Rule of Law. Nomination and selection are   first of many. In our rapidly changing artistic landscape, the
          conducted by an independent selection committee in   Elder Conservatorium is a critical site of cultural innovation
          cooperation with the Academia Sinica, Taiwan’s top    and preservation, and an institution which has launched the
          research institution.                              careers of many of the leaders in the music world.’

                                                             An accomplished classical pianist, Anna performs extensively
                                                             throughout Australia and internationally. She is a founding
                                                             member of the Seraphim Trio, whose collaboration with
                                                             Paul Kelly, Thirteen Ways to Look at Birds, won an ARIA
                                                             award in 2019. Her bestselling memoir, Piano Lessons, has
                                                             been published throughout Europe, Asia and America, and
                                                             in 2010 she was awarded Newcomer of the Year at the
                                                             Australian Book Industry Awards.
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