Page 30 - Luce 2023
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S enior C o mmon Ro om
Interim Principal, Margie Welsford, recalls two
JCH evenings when, for once, words spoke louder
than actions.
Ethel Bage Debate
On the first Monday of semester 2, the Mid-Winter Dinner
and Ethel Bage Memorial Debate were held. Following
the unusually high number of sporting achievements,
members of the SCR debated members of the JCR on
the topic: JCH’s new motto should be ‘Leading Sporting
College’. The SCR representatives, Elise Matthyssen, Aidan Become a ‘Leading Light’ for the
Carter and Sarah Chang, arguing for the affirmative had
prepared carefully using numerous examples from the many younger generations of JCH
sporting achievements of JCH’s women and men this year.
Unfortunately for the SCR, the JCR team represented by leading light: noun
Callum Sargent, Euan McLaughlin and Jack Chesterman, took a prominent and influential member of a community.
the argument in an entirely different and surprising direction,
completely unanticipated by the SCR, thus securing victory leading lights: noun
for the JCR. Thank you to Brian Kennedy, former tutor, for his a pair of light beacons used in navigation to indicate a safe
excellent adjudication. passage for vessels entering a shallow or dangerous channel;
they may also be used for position fixing.
Oratory Competition
In September the annual Oratory Competition was held in the In 2023 we are excited to launch our new ‘Leading Lights
SCR, reflecting on the theme of ‘Hope’. Our eight speakers Career Mentoring’ programme. This programme aims to
were joined by special guests, the Honourable Justice Helen create one-on-one mentoring connections between alumni
Rofe from the Federal Court and JCH Council member, and current students, allowing them to discuss their career
Mrs Elizabeth Kennedy (Newland 1972). From Pandora’s aspirations and prepare for the exciting but challenging
box to ‘Star Wars’ the night was full of laughter, wit and transition from university to work. These kinds of informal
powerful messages. Congratulations to Darby Conley, Carina mentoring relationships are valuable for all students,
McCormack and Megan Barry who won first, second and but particularly crucial for students from less privileged
third places respectively and to the other five students who backgrounds who may not otherwise have opportunities
all contributed excellent and varied speeches. The College to engage with encouraging professional networks in their
is most grateful to Laura Hartmann and Brian Kennedy for chosen field.
sponsoring this event each year. We are looking forward to
the arrival of an honour board which will record the winners I have been delighted that so many of our alumni have
over the last several years of the competition. Brian and already expressed an interest in becoming a ‘Leading Light’
Laura would like the prize to be named for the past Principal, in order to share their professional experience and expertise.
Dr Damian Powell. This is typical of the wonderful generosity of the JCH alumni
community, and I know that it will be deeply appreciated by
our current students. Whether you graduated just a couple of
years ago or several decades ago, we are sure that you can
offer a wealth of information, guidance, and encouragement
to the promising and hardworking students currently at JCH.
If you would like to sign up to become a ‘Leading Light’ or
would like to find out more about what is involved, please
visit our website at or feel free to
contact me at
Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan
(L-R) Laura Hartmann, Darby Conley, Elizabeth Kennedy,
the Honourable Justice Helen Rofe, Brian Kennedy.
30 LUCE Number 21 2022