Page 30 - 이귀화 개인전 2022. 12. 7 – 12. 13 장은선갤러리
P. 30

Korean Christian Artists Assoiation Exhibition(Exhibition on Paper)  2015. Sang Hyung Jeon Fine Art Association Exhibition(Seoul, Arts Center)
                      Sang Hyung Jeon Fine Art Association Exhibition(Seoul, Insa Artcenter)              ‘People Draw Pictures, Pictures Change Humans’ Exhibition
                      The Mother’s Land Exhibition(Inje,Korea DMZecopeace Exhibition hall)              - (Seoul, Arts Center)
                      The 28th Exhibition of Korea Female Artists 2020(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)              Invited Whimok Art Museum Exhibition by Sang Hyung Jeon Art
          2019. International Beauty People’s Competition 100 Korea Artists               - Show(Bu-An, Whimok Art Museum)
                      - Exhibition(Seoul, Grand Hilton Hotel)                Korean Christian Aristst Association Exhibition
                      Exhibition of Korea Female Artists 2019(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)              - (Seoul, Gallery Misul Segye)
                      H ★ Art Festival(Seoul, Arts Center)                   Gyeong-Gi Watercolor Association Exhibition(Suwon, Art Museum)
                      He’s Art Fair(Seoul, Imperial Hotel)                   Ui-Wang Fine Art Association Exhibition(Uiwang, Woman Gallery)
                      Meet the Emoyions and Emotions of My Heart              Ui-Wang International Placard Art Festival 2015(Uiwang, Baegun Lake)
                      Ui-Wang Fine Association Exhibition(Ui-Wang Woman Gallery)              ‘Talk about Dreams’ Exhibition(Gallery, Lamer)
                      The Collection of Paintings 100 Famous Korea Artists   2014. Gyeong-Gi Watercolor Association Exhibition(Suwon, Art Museum)
                      - (China Hangju, Seoryung Gallery)                     Invited Exhibition Insa- dong Art Fair(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)
                      Cheongju Craft Biennale 2019                           Korean Christian Artists Association Exhibition
                      Open a Window of Emotion Exhibition(Seoul, Arts Center)              - (Seoul, Chosun Ilbo Gallery)
                      Korean Christian Artists Assoiation Exhibition               ‘Sing about Hope’ Exhibition(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)
                      - (Seoul, Chosun Ilbo Gallery)                         Ui-wang Fine Association Exhibition(Uiwang, Women Hall Gallery)
                      Travel exhibitiob in Pursuit of Dreams(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)              ‘People Draw Pictures, Pictures Change Humans’ Exhibition
                      Sang Hyung Jeon Fine Art Association Exhibition(Seoul, Arts Center)              - (Seoul, Korea Art Museum)
          2018. “Speck with the Flow of the Shape” Exhibition(Seoul, Arts Center)  2013. Gyeong-Gi Watercolor Association Exhibition(Suwon, Art Museum)
                      “Travel Exhibition to Find Happiness”                  The 100ho Exhibition Sanghyungjeon(Seoul, Kepco Gallery)
                      - (Seoul,Gallery Lamer/Busan, Qhimok Hall)              Exhibition by’ Beautiful World’(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)
                      Exhibition of Korea Female Artists 2018(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)              Korean Christian Artist Association Exhibition
                      Sang Hyung Jeon Fine Art Association Exhibition(Seoul, Arts Center)              - (Seoul, Chosun Ilbo Gallery)
                      Ui-Wang Fine Association Exhibition(Ui-Wang Woman Gallery)              Invited Exhibition ‘KTCT Dreem 2013’ choi Art Center(Inje, KTCT)
          2017. Sang Hyung Jeon Fine Art Association Exhibition               Ui-Wang Fine Arts Association Exhibition(Uiwang, Women Hall Gallery)
                      - (Seoul, Insa Artcenter)                              Invited Exhibition ‘2013 Ground Soldier Festival’(Inje, KTCT)
                      Korea international fine art association               Exhibition ‘Dream Peoples’(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)
                      Korea-Malaysia Exhibition ‘Wind’(Mapkia<Black Box>  2012. Sang Hyung Jeon Fine Art Association Exhibition
                      - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia                               - (Seoul, Art Center Gongpong Gallery)
                      Ui-Wang Interational Placard Art Festival(Uiwang, Baegun Lake)              Belief, Wish, Love and It’s Me Exhibition(Gallery Lamer)
                      Meet the Hongcheon Exhibition Sang Hyung Jeon               Korean Christain Artist Association Exhibition
                      - (Hongcheon, Art Museum)                              - (Seoul, Chosun Ilbo Gallery)
                      Korean Christian Artists Assoiation Exhibition               Ui-Wang International Placard Art Festival
                      - (Seoul, Chosun Ilbo Gallery)                         - (Galmi Hangul sculpture Park)
                      Ui-Wang Fine Art Assoiation Exhibition(Ui-Wang Woman Gallery)              Gyeong-Gi Watercolor Association Exhibitiom(Suwon, Art Museum)
                      ‘Sing About Hope’ Exhibition(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)              Ui-Wang Fine Arts Association Exhibition(Uiwang, Women Hall Gallery)
          2016. Fireworks Painters Exhibition(Seoul, Arts Center)              The 7th Exhibition Choi Art Center Exhibition(inje, 12 Command)
                      Korean Christian Artists Assoiation Exhibition               Insa-Dong People Special Planning Exhibition ‘See World’
                      - (Seoul, Chosun Ilbo Gallery)                         - (Seoul, Gallery Lamer)
                      Gyeong-Gi Watercolor Association Exhibition(Suwon, Art Museum)  2011. Ui-Wang International Placard Art Festival
                      Ui-Wang Interational Placard Art Festival(Uiwang, Baegun Lake)              - (Galmi Hangul Sculpture Park)
                      Sang Hyung Jeon Fine Art Association Exhibition(Seoul, Arts Center)              Exhibition by Donationf for Reseokatata It’s School
                      ‘Traveling with the Wind’ Exhibition(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)              - (Seoul, Afrika Caf Mbo)
                      Ui-Wang Fine Art Association Exhibition(Uiwang, Women Hall Gallery)              Ui-Wang Fine Arts Association Exhibition(Uiwang, WomenHall Gallery)
                      Invited Exhibition Insa-dong Art Fair(Seoul, Gallery Lamer)              Invited Exhibition Gyeonggi Watercolor Association
                                                                             - ‘Water Go around Ansan(Ansan, Gallery Sun)

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