Page 42 - 2023 제68회 창작미술협회전 2023. 10. 21 – 10. 29 예술의전당 한가람미술관 3층
P. 42

제68회 창작미술협회전 2023

          Landscape, 91×116.8cm, Oil on canvas, 2023

                               감 윤 조  Kam, Yoon-Jo (1962~ )

                               중앙대학교 예술대학 회화과 및 중앙대학교 대학원 서양화 전공 졸업. 홍익대학교 미학과 박사과정 수학. 개인전(관훈갤러리, 포네티브 스페이
                               스, 예술의전당, 갤러리 반포대로 5, 토포하우스 등) 한국구상미술대제전(예술의전당 한가람미술관), 베를린국제현대미술전
                               (Frederica Gallery, Berlin), 제7회, 제8회 대한민국미술대전(국립현대미술관), 제11회 중앙미술대전(호암갤러리) 등 출품. 중앙대 대학원, 추계
                               예술대 대학원, 성신여대 대학원, 숙명여대 정책대학원, 삼육대, 백석예술대, 동국대, 한국예술종합학교, 동방문화대학원대학교 등 강사 역임

                               Graduated from Chung-Ang University's College of Art, Department of Painting and Graduate School of Chung-Ang University, majoring
                               in Western Painting.
                               He studied aesthetics in the doctoral course at Hongik University. He held solo exhibitions at Kwanhoon Gallery, Ponetive Space, and
                               Gallery Banpo-daero 5, Korea Figurative Art Exhibition (Seoul Arts Center Hangaram Art Museum), Berlin International Contemporary
                               Art Exhibition (Frederica Gallery, Berlin), the 7th and 8th Korea Art Exhibition (National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), the
                               11th JoongAng Art Exhibition (Hoam Gallery), etc.
                               Lectured at the Chung-Ang University Graduate School, Chugye University of the Arts Graduate School, Sungshin Women's University
                               Graduate School, Sookmyung Women's University Graduate School of Policy Studies, Sahmyook University,  Baekseok University of the
                               Arts, Dongguk University, Korea National University of Arts, Dongbang Culture Graduate School University, etc.
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