Page 74 - 2023 제68회 창작미술협회전 2023. 10. 21 – 10. 29 예술의전당 한가람미술관 3층
P. 74
제68회 창작미술협회전 2023
infinite, 116.8x91cm, Acrylic on canvas, varnish,2020
김 정 이 Kim Jung-Ee (1977~)
경기대학교 회화과(서양화전공) 졸업 (미술학사) / 경기대학교 미술디자인 대학원 전통예술대학 문화재 보존학 전공 졸업 (예술학 석사)
단국대학교 일반대학원 조형예술학과 서양화 박사 졸업 (조형예술학 박사)
역임-신미술대전 심사위원, 경기대 예술대학원 출강, 경기대 일반대학원 미술학과 겸임교수,
현재- 경기대학교 예술체육대학 fine Art 학부 서양화 전공 겸임교수
초대 개인전 및 개인전 28회(2008-2023)
선유-link:swich(어반플루토/서울)/refresh(아브뉴프랑판교)/인천에on스위치(그로잉라운지/인천) /레스터국제 초대 작품전(De Montfort University/영국)/달래전
(모아병원/서울)/ 7인의동행전 (충남 홍성)/ 경기 아트페스타 (일산 킨텍스) /한국기초조형학회 춘계 국제초대작품전 (단국대학교천안 캠퍼스)/스위치전(아브뉴프
랑 , 광명)외 다수의 그룹전
Graduated from Gyeonggi University, Department of Painting (Western Painting Major) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts.
Graduated from Gyeonggi University Graduate School of Art Design, Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation in the Traditional Arts College with a
Master of Arts. Graduated from Dankook University Graduate School, Department of Western Painting in the Faculty of Plastic Arts with a Ph.D. in Plastic
Arts. Positions: Judge for the New Art Competition Lecturer at Gyeonggi University Graduate School of Arts
Adjunct Professor at Gyeonggi University Graduate School's Department of Art Currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Western Painting, Fine
Art Faculty, College of Art and Physical Education at Gyeonggi University./ Solo Exhibitions and Invitations:28 solo and invited exhibitions between 2008-2023.
Group Exhibition:/ Sunyoo-link:swich (Urban Pluto/Seoul) Refresh (Avenue Pangyo) Incheon's eonSwitch (Growing Lounge/Incheon) / Lester International
Invitational Exhibition (De Montfort University/UK) Dallae Exhibition (Moa Hospital/Seoul) Exhibition of Seven Companions (Chungnam Hongseong)
Gyeonggi Art Festa (Ilsan KINTEX) Korean Basic Design Association Spring International Invitational Exhibition (Dankook University Cheonan Campus)