Page 36 - 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전 및 파스텔화 공모대전 2022. 9. 14 – 9. 19 갤러리라메르
P. 36

KPAA Member

                                                          모정-사랑 이야기(a mother-love story), 53.0×, oil pastel
                        김 수 익 Kim Souik

                        •홍익대, 경희대 대학원(미술교육과)졸업•개인전 16회 •신인예술상, 한국미술협회전, 기독교미술협회전 •아시아 자유미전, 이형회전 외
                        다수  •아시아 현대작가 초대전(일본 동경도미술관) •한국현대작가 초대전(프랑스 파리) •8.15경축 중견작가 초대전(미국 시카고) •IAA
                        국제미술제(예술의 전당)•한국. 케나다 현대작가 초대전•남북작가 교류전(중국 북경)•남북평화미술전 및 미술의 신세계미술전(일본) 100
                        여 회 출품•그 외 250여 회 초대 출품(국내, 국제) •홍익대 미대 강사, 동아대 미술과, 인덕대 교수 역임•국제미술대상전 심사위원, 관세청
                        문예전 심사위원장, 여성미술 공모전, 목우회 공모전, 파스텔공모전 심사위원 외 다수
                        •현재 : 사) 한국현역작가회 고문, 한국파스텔화협회 고문, IAPS(국제파스텔화협회) 회원, •C.P : 010-5229-8189
                        Kim Souik
                        •Bachelor's degree from Hongik University Master's degree from Kyunghee University Graduate School•16 times of solo exhibition
                        •Rising New Artist Award Participated in Korea Art Association, Christian Art Association, Asia Free Art Exhibition, Lee Hyung Hoe Exhibition
                        and many other exhibitions.•Asia Modern Artist Invitational(Japan Tokyo City Art Gallery), Korean Modern Artist Invitational(Paris, France),
                        August 15th Memorial Day Congratulatory Middle Artists Invitational(Chicago, United States)•1AA International Art Festival(Seoul Arts Center),
                        Korea. Canada Modern Artists Invitational, South-North Artists Exchange Exhibition(Beijing, China)•South-North Peace Art Exhibition and
                        New World of Art Exhibition(Japan), •Have submitted more than 100 times. Have submitted more than 250 times(Domestic and Foreign)
                        •Lecturer from Hongik University, Former professor from Dong Ah University Art Department Former professor from Indeok University
                        International Art Exhibition Panel Customs Office Culture and Art Exhibition, Head of panels Women's Art Contest Mokwoohoe Contest Pastel
          36            Contest Panel and many others •Current Position : Advisor to Korea Association of Writers (Incorporated Association), Advisor to Korean
                        Pastel Association Member of IAPS(International Association of Pastel Societies)
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