Page 130 - 강명자 작가 (1968-2021) 화집
P. 130
봄이되면 고향집 화단에 피던 한련화! 매콤하고 상큼한 한련화 싹과 쌉쌉하고 하얀 진이 나오는 양귀비
싹으로 쌈을 싸아주시며 먹기 싫어하던 나에게 “여름동안 배 아프지 안하려면 먹어야 한다”며 억지로 먹
이시던 할머니 생각이 난다.
Nasturtium flower
When spring comes, the nasturtium flower blooming in the flower bed of my hometown! It
reminds me of my grandmother, who used to wrap the wrap with spicy and fresh nasturtium
buds and bitter, white poppy buds, and forced me to feed them, saying, “You have to eat if
you don’t want to get a stomach ache during the summer.”
ⒸADAGP 한련화1, Nasturtium 1, 33x33cm, ⒸADAGP 한련화 2, Nasturtium 2, 33x33cm,
mineral painting color on traditional korean paper, 2014 mineral painting color on traditional korean paper, 2014
▶ ⒸADAGP 초하의 향, Scent of early summer,
72x92cm, mineral painting color on traditional korean paper, 2013