Page 30 - 2022 탄천현대회화 작품전 2022. 10. 16 – 10. 26 성남아트센터 808갤러리
P. 30

안 복 순            홍익대학교 미술대학교 졸업(BA), 동대학원(MA), Düsseldorf Universität(PH) / 부산여자대학교 미술대학 미술학과 조교수 역임
                             Dusseldorf Fachhochschule Desigin  Fach  Gast Prof / 개인전 47회, 아트페어 12회, 국내외 단체전 698회
                             10개국 현대미술작가 교수 합동전 / 청계천 벽화 참여전 / 일본 마쯔다 공모전 국제대상 / 일본 신원미술대전 추천작가상
            AHN              미협이사장상 본상 수상/서울비엔날레 / 한미첨단기술동맹고문, OP국제평화재단이사, ADAGP저작권등록작가, 미술등록협회정회
            BOK SOON         원,서 울비엔날레 회장
                             현재 : 한국방송예술대학 평생교육원 교수, 한국미술협회 서양화 분과 자문위원 종로미술협회 부회장 외
                             E-mail :

                             The underlying of my art work is expressed by my own spiritual NAE GONE, which means lnner strength. The impulse of
                             my inner strength came from the fundamental urge to express my hope on canvas by mobilizing the tentacles of its intellect
                             and the emotions and feelings and about the natere and the real world.
                             Of course, the expression of my paintings are neither static nor detailed and evenatypical. In other words, there is no topic
                             or even specific rules involved.
                             However, they are my vision and the fantasy which comes from my mind and my life.
                             As God created the light and ordered out of chaos and da.rkness of the lawless, I try to express myself to the art work
                             though my experience which has built up my inner strength. I hope through my paintings I have expressed my feelings of my
                             hope and wishes.

                                                       작품주제는 발아(sprout)로 하나의 생명체가 발아되고 분화되어 둘, 넷, 여덟, 열여서..., 그
                                                       리고 마침내 새로운 창조물이 이루어진다.하나의 cell이 발아되어 새롭게 완성된 창조물로
                                                       발전되기 위해서는 수 많은 cell들이 서로 연결되는 것이 필수적이다.
                                                       하나님이 천지를 창조하고 모든 창조물이 보시기에 좋았듯이 나의 작품도 모든 사람들이
                                                       보고 있으면 좋다! 하고 느끼면 좋겠다.

                                                       The underlying of my art work is expressed by my own spiritual NAE GONE, which means
                                                       lnner strength. The impulse of my inner strength came from the fundamental urge to
                                                       express my hope on canvas by mobilizing the tentacles of its intellect and the emotions
                                                       and feelings and about the natere and the real world.
                                                       Of course, the expression of my paintings are neither static nor detailed and evenatypical.
                                                       In other words, there is no topic or even specific rules involved.
                                                       However, they are my vision and the fantasy which comes from my mind and my life.
                                                       As God created the light and ordered out of chaos and da.rkness of the lawless, I try
                                                       to express myself to the art work though my experience which has built up my inner
                                                       strength. I hope through my paintings I have expressed my feelings of my hope and

            Passion, 28×22cm. Acryic on canvas, 2022
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