Page 15 - 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전 및 파스텔화 공모대전 2022. 9. 14 – 9. 19 갤러리라메르
P. 15



                                                                 Sylvie Poirson (프랑스 파스텔협회 회장)

                     •Sylvie Poirson, a pastel artist, self-taught, was born in Pont-a-Mousson (54-Lorraine). She lives and works in Essonne.
                     She has always been attracted by drawing and has tried several pictorial techniques before moving towards the
                     pastel become her favorite medium.
                     She works in series on themes related to landscape with a predilection for water,
                     reflections and transparencies by breaking with pure figuration.
                     She trained following courses with several pastellist masters.
                     •Sylvie Poirson is President of the association "Art du Pastel en France".
                     She participates in exhibitions in France and abroad (Italy, China, USA, Coree du Sud).
                     Member of the Society of Pastellists of France, the Circle of European Artists,
                     and many associations for the promotion of pastel.
                     Collaborator of the magazine Pratique des Arts
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