Page 40 - 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전 및 파스텔화 공모대전 2022. 9. 14 – 9. 19 갤러리라메르
P. 40

KPAA Member

                                                                                     결실Ⅳ, 65.1×53.0cm, Pastel on Paper

                        이 기 분 Lee Kiboon                              Lee Kiboon

                        •개인전 3회 •2012~2021 KAMA 정기전                   ·3rd Solo Exhibition (San Damiano Gallery)
                        •2001~2021 한국파스텔협회 회원전                        ·2nd Solo Exhibition (Sue Gallery)·1st Solo Exhibition (Seongbo Gallery)
                        •2017 일본 동경도미술관 (국제현대미술가협회)                   ·2012~2021 KAMA Regular Exhibition ·2001~2021 Korean Pastel Artists Association
                        •2009 현대회화의 만남전                                  Exhibition·2017 Tokyo Museum of Art (International Association of Modern and
                        •2011 서울지방경찰청 초대전 •그 외 단체전 다수 참가                 Contemporary Artists)·2009 Encounter with Contemporary Painting·2011 Invited to
                        •대한민국미술대전 입선 •구상전 공모전 입선 2회(국립현대미술관)             Exhibit at Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency·and participate in many other group exhibitions
                        •한국파스텔화협회 공모전 우수상                             ·Korea Art Exhibition Award Won (National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art)
                        •현재 : 한국미술협회 회원, KAMA 회원, IAPS(국제파스텔화협회) 회원 ·GusangJeon Contest Awards Won 2times (National Museum of Modern and Contemporary
                           한국파스텔화협회 운영위원, 심사위원 역임                        Art)·Korean Pastel Artists Association Contest Outstanding Award Won
                           신세계백화점(강남,영등포,죽전) 문화센터 강사                  •Present :·Member of Korean Fine Arts Association, KAMA·Steering Committee Member
                        •C.P : 010-8632-0081                             of Korean Pastel Artists Association·Member of International Association of Pastel Societies
                        •E-mail :                      (IAPS)·Judge of Korean Pastel Artists Associantion Contest·Instructor of Shinsegae
          40                                                             Department Store (Gangnam, Yeongdeungpo, Jukjeon) Cultural Center
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