Page 24 - 고산 최은철 개인전 2023. 12. 28 – 1. 3 백악미술관
P. 24

<Artist’s Notes : Nonsensible>

           What prejudice will block mankind from   which are all the accidents and incidents   to understand the identity of modern art as a
           happiness                             relevant to personalities and have already been   Korean and an intelligent who studies east
           Right after being born, we are forced to be   out of the mankind’s range of imagination since   Asian art.
           educated and influenced by family, school and   long ago.
           society, and usually to live the life required by   I cannot get rid of the thoughts that such   What is the art spirit of east Asia?
           the community out of our own individual tastes.  materials and consciousness having been   In the east Asian learning, the art spirit regards
           Thus, we are tamed in the social and artificial   accumulated by mankind shall get rid of   the nature as the principle. The art spirit
           frame of rules away from our nature and   mankind themselves in the solitary world.  generally accepts the emotional expression
           forced to think of the social and individual   I think that the problems of the modern arts and   of human but thinks that it shall go toward
           consciousness formed in such frame as valuable   modern society are all influencing each other.   the harmonization with the world through
           knowledge.                            That is, such problems have been caused by   moderation.
           The consciousness coming out of such frame   ignorance of spiritual culture.  In some sense, it is good to express the desire
           must give birth to prejudice, which creates the                            and emotion that vary individually as they
           viewpoint of value and self-pride that cause   The Modern Arts Difficult for Me to   are because they are honest nature and make
           your eyes to be disturbed in seeing the true   Understand                  people enjoy a variety of aesthetic tastes. On
           sides of every object. It is prejudice that causes   Having converted largely from the God   the other hand, however, such expression
           too much individual greed and social anxiety.   centered consciousness to human focused   can be forcible or violent. In the order of the
           As the history indicates, the arbitrary prejudice   consciousness since Renaissance, the modern   world, one existence cannot throw away the
           of the ruling class going toward the power   art has gotten out of the traditional and   life of another existence for only one existence
           suppresses the life and freedom of human. Like   rational foundation to make the trend of freely   among the existences that are individually
           this, the prejudice of the artists greedy for false   expressing the individual tastes and desires as   different. Therefore, there is also a thought that
           reputation does not only mess up the aesthetic   the characteristics of modern people.   what is scattered as an art expression only for
           sense of people but also make the identity of   Modernism was born by valuing the new and   individual taste cannot be considered as an art.
           and social expectation on the art unclear.  fresh expression of individual emotion, which
                                                 was denied to give birth to post-modernism   My View of Art
           The Problems of the Modern Society Caused   that has progressed to the trend that officially   My job is a calligrapher, a traditional artist
           by Prejudice                          regards anything as an art piece and anyone as   who may be regarded as a too straight person
           In the modern society full of individualism,   an artist if any concept is given to such thing by   because calligraphy itself needs many years
           people are looking for their happiness only on   such person.              even only for learning characters, looking
           the materials and reputations for their selfish   Any of daily items, even a toilet, can become   through the old letters and copying the old
           interests and desires. It may have been quite   an art piece in such trend. In addition, AI,   books of letter, and it is not at all the kind of art
           long since the people lost their time to look   the masterpiece of the modern society, has   that is apart from paper, brush and ink.
           back at the others and their inner world.  dominated every industrial area and now is   Based on my own thoughts that everything
           Since the modern began, individualism and   coming even into art market to take over. In this   should be done for human, nevertheless, I
           materialism have been persistently growing for   situation, it is also a fact that the copyright issue   would like to suggest and emphasize on an idea
           the past 100 years. It is also true that they have   of AI based piece is controversial.   that both figure and spirit should be equally
           been contributing to such amazing progress of   Now, even such ‘eschatology of art’ as ‘There   valued in the art. You can easily fall into
           the science and economy. On the other hand,   is neither person nor thing to be classified as   emptiness only with a plausible figure and you
           however, they also have caused such a variety   an artist or art’ is positively accepted in some   cannot easily expect the social echo only with
           of huge problems entirely in the human society,   group. To me, therefore, it has become hard   the excellency of your own thoughts.

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