Page 60 - 고산 최은철의 철학예술
P. 60
<Collection of Short Comments on the Exhibition>
Sima Yi unified China. He has been said to be the this exhibition to help enhancing interchange with 60. Zōng-chéng-zhèn
master of reigning equipped broadly with courage, Ai-huó village of Luòyáng and between Korean This work is convergent of such expression
wisdom and morality: he was good in playing and Chinese calligraphers. methods as calligraphy, inscribing, oil painting,
sword on horse and brush at desk; he was working engraving and so on into one piece of work,
hard in daily life with humble stance to attribute 58. Liú-xīn so that it can express abundant, cubic and
merits to the others all the time. Last September, I participated in two big events diverse visual effects dealing with such various
Gosan is good in playing knife and brush, and held in Korea: The Calligraphy Exhibition of East calligraphic styles as oracle bone script, bronze
well-thoughtful and fully-practical in daily life and Asian Cultural Cities of Korea, China and Japan; script, Haengseo, Choseo and etc. Such various
social matters as an artist. That is, he is a highly World Calligraphy Biennale of Jeollabuk-do. I felt forms for convergence makes it possible for
proficient Confucian and a general with virtue at amazed realizing that both events were all planned the grand images of such characters as “善”,
the same time. Therefore, I expect a lot about the by Choi Eun-cheol. I was also touched by such “道”, “诚” and “游” to be harmonized with their
worlds and the ways that he will create with. huge pieces painted by Choi. At my first glance, propositions so that they can be convergent in both
- Hwang Bo-geun, Chairman, Inscribers every piece looked accumulated layer by layer content and form in harmonizing ways, which do
Association of Korea(Master of Inscribing and like a piece of East Asian traditional landscape. not only present abundant visual emotion to the
Honorary Doctor of Literature) Such beautiful pieces lighted brightly with spectators but also simultaneously make them
abundant colors of golden yellow, which made all deeply think of the relations between human and
<China> of us fall into thoughts. At my close glance, such human; human and society; human and nature;
pieces were just one big piece consisting of 21 human and universe.
pieces. Closely looking at such pieces, there were - Professor Zōng-chéng-zhèn, deputy chairman,
57. Gguō-ài-huó
I met Choi Eun-cheol first in 2015. calligraphy and inscribing of red, black and white Research Institute of Chinese Calligraphic Rules
He is a highly ideological and creative for classical oracle bone scripts, gentle Sojeon and Culture, Capital Normal University, China
calligrapher. He and I have been seeing each other calligraphic styles, energetic Haengcho styles and
for the past few years. Hangeul characters. It was my first experience 61. Chén-zhì-chāo
He is also so much affectionate artist. For several that I saw such a huge art piece harmonizing Choi Eun-cheol has planted Confucianism,
years, he has regularly attended the art fair [Day] grand calligraphic paintings into one place. The Buddhism and Taoism into his calligraphy and
- ‘Art Flash Mob’, held for public interest first in artist boldly structured it with powerful visual inscribing work, so that his work is elegant,
China – to donate a number of calligraphic pieces impact and aesthetic power of touching, which is graceful, beautiful and profound with the spirit of
in order to support art education in rural villages in a grand visual festival that gives the spectators the Lao-tzu and Zhuāng-zǐ planted on every piece of
China. Having seen him in several calligraphers’ enjoyment of beauty. his.
meetings, I have felt that his brush work is fast - Liú-xīn, Member of China Calligraphers - Chén-zhì-chāo, Curator, Chengyuan Painting
with clear calligraphic intention and abundant Association and Calligraphy Art Museum, Chéngdū, China
form changes of brush touch, so that I could
not help continuously applauding with so much 59. Máo-gōng-qiáng
Choi Eun-cheol is large-minded, sincere and
touching emotion on such pieces of his as ‘道法
humorous. His art is simple and elegant with
自然 (Learning from Nature as It is by Itself)’, ‘滌 fluent calligraphic style. He has been disciplined
除玄覽 (Getting Enlightened Out Of Darkness)’,
‘自疆不息 (Working by Yourself without Rest)’ of such various calligraphic styles as oracle
and etc. I have been amazed of his familiarity bone script, bronze script, Yeseo, Haengseo and
with and understanding of Chinese culture and Choseo. Especially his oracle bone script style is
philosophy. I met him again recently in 2019 sharp and nimble with thick fragrance of epigraph,
attending ‘Exhibition of the Works Possessed which is highly valued enough.
from World Calligraphy Biennale of Jeollabuk-do’ I wish this exhibition will go smoothly for success
that took place in Ai-huó village, an international and his tree of art will be ever green.
pottery town of Luòyáng-sāncǎi. I wish this - Máo-gōng-qiáng, Invited Professor, University
exhibition a great success. I also further expect of Saint Joseph, Macao