Page 34 - 5통공감예술파스타 2022. 9. 3 - 9. 10 예산문예회관전시실
P. 34


                 | 초대작가 작품 |

                               Untitled 2022, Mischechnik auf Leinwand, 230×160cm

                 Maureen Kägi     1984 New Plymouth (NZ)
                                  lives and works in Langenhard (CH) and Vienna (AT)
                                  SOLO EXHIBITION
                                  2022 "Listening Towards the Sun", Art Box, Museumsquartier Wien
                                  2022 "Oh Greening Branch", Kunstverein Ve.Sch, Wien (AT)
                                  2022 "Blab" Exhibition Wall, AXA Superblock, Winterthur
                                  2019 "It is like the point where the rainbow touches the forest" Galerie Mezzanin, Geneva (CH)
                                  2018 "What is the shortest unit of time?" Koenig 2 by_robbygreif (AT)
                                  2018 "I will never know how you see red and you will never know how I see it" - Displays on the act of viewing, ABA
                                  Salon #55, Berlin (DE)
                                  2017 "There seems to be a strong tendency to collect ideas…"Bildraum, Bregenz (AT)
                                  GROUP EXHIBITIONS
                                  2021 "Secret Sisters" Kunsthalle Vebikus, Schaffhausen (CH)

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