Page 16 - The Fayetteville Press Newspaper October 2024 Election Edition
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Page 6a The Fayetteville Press October 25, 2024 Edition
Editorial / Opinion
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All letters are subject to editing. We will not publish unsigned or pseudonymous letters.
Mail or E-mail your letters to: The Fayetteville Press Newspaper, P.O. Box 9166, Fayetteville NC 28311
What Do We Tell the Children?
Presidential candidate and Vice
President Kamala Harris has described overly excused. This strategy is com- The Fayetteville Press
the former President Donald Trump as pounded when the true heroes of our Newspaper
weak and unfit to be President of these society sit quietly and do nothing to “Your Community Newspaper”
Untied States of America. This is the hold him accountable and minimize its P.O. Box 9166
same characterization given to him by impact with comments like "he’s ok but Fayetteville * NC 28311
key members of his cabinet during his he just says the wrong things". It has (910) 323-3120 - Office
first term. His gross misrepresentation long been acknowledged that when
of truth emboldened him to even defy good men do nothing in the face of in- E-mail:
what has traditionally been a civil and justice all men and women suffer - as
peaceful transition of power. Ahead of does truth. Mr. Trump has in effect
the capitol riot, Trump and his allies By Atty Allen W. Rogers adopted a position that says don’t be- *Publisher - JJ Jones
were accused of waging a "war on" (910) 433-0833 lieve what you see or what you hear *General Manager
and being a "clear and present danger" but believe what I say. Unfortunately, Chrystal M. Thomas
to democracy by Retired federal and to run for the office of President without his truths are only good for the mo-
advisor to former Vice President Mike any tangible policies besides those that ment, and only satiates his base. Thus, *Sales Manager
Pence - Judge J. Michael Luttig. were manufactured for him by the Heri- his truth changes moment by moment Dwight Brown
Former Vice President Mike Pence tage Foundation. The deceptive side of to avoid responsibility. Many respected *Editor - Jae McKrae
himself has claimed that January 6, Trump says he has nothing to do with their leaders - even some elected members
2021, he was challenged by the out- Project 2025 agenda, despite its author- of our North Carolina court system - *Special Corespondent
voted President to "choose between ship consisting of the cabinet members and because of loyalty to Trump and a Queen Degraphenrei
him and the constitution" and overturn advisors who enabled and encouraged his tainted view of reality state there was
Staff Writer
the election result. What example does outlandish behavior. Mr. Trump has cho- no criminal conduct that took place at Shelia Mclaughlin
the inability to accept defeat set for the sen to adopt a historical remedy when out nations capitol on January 6, 2021.
children that look up to us? If they faced with unfavorable facts; lie, create At this point, it is apparent that not only *Photgrapher
modeled this behaviour what could we falsehoods, and instill fear by perpetuat- will justice be abandoned pertaining the Bruce Carpenter
expect the outcome to be? Matters ing misinformation. His gross misrepre- event, but all criminality ignored by the *Account Executives
have been made worse by those whose sentation of truth emboldened him to defy "leaders" himself in order to avoid a Dr. Don Reid
political views and ideology don't align the civil peaceful transition of power and prison sentence. *Distribution
with the fundamental rules of law, the thus the dignity of the office of POTUS It is indeed us vs them; we are Michael Dykes
constitution of the United States, or re- using the base he knows will blindly hang white, black, young, old, male, female, Nero B. Coleman
spectfully resolving disputes with neu- on to and follow his every word. homosexual, homophbic, queer,
tral processes through the arc of Jus- What will we tell our children if they straight, rich, poor, and everything in * Graphic Designed By
tice which does not lean toward party, are allowed to alter the foundations of our between. A candidacy reliant upon lies Roslyn Graphic
race, or gender - but toward truth and Democracy in order to dismantle it com- and fear has no place in our United *Staff Chaplain
justice. pletely? Who will educate them and teach States of America. Because we stand Bishop
While Mr. Trump's conduct is de- them to make informed decisions so that unitied and respect democracy, truth, Larry O. Wright, Jr.
plorable with comments like “I could no one preys on their innocence, igno- faith, and fundamental principles of this
stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and rance, or naivety? nation as opposed to those who sim- E-Mail:
shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose Donald Trump described January 6, ply do not believe in truth but merely
any followers, ok?", and in how he 2021, not as a violent attempt to overthrow in Trump ….
claims to "love the poorly educated." our great democracy and its government, What then, do we tell
He relishes in the fact that his base will but as a day of Love and Peace. His dis- our children? For
blindly follow him no matter what he regard for the fundamental principles of Vote For Democracy!!! Subscriptions
says or does - which has allowed him truth and justice is widely criticized yet (910) 323-3120
Holiday Tips for the Thanksgiving Season
Happy holidays! It’s the most thankful time of the year. It is a time to spend with family and friends as well as a time for giving thanks. Here
are some tips for a stress-free holiday season:
Family Time
1. Involve the kids and family members to help with everything from decorating the table, washing dishes, baking pies, and fixing
Thanksgiving dinner.
2. Spend quality time with family by doing things like playing games, watching movies, and having great conversations.
1. We eat lots of good food during the holidays which causes extra weight around the midsection. Be careful of how much you are eating
and drinking. Use a small plate and eat small portions. Do not pile up food on the plate.
2. Be sure to exercise or take a brisk walk each day.
3. Drink plenty of water. Try to drink 6 – 8 glasses per day.
4. Do not go to the grocery store when you are hungry. Those pictures of brownies on the box will get you every time. All food
looks scrumptious when you are hungry. Stick to your grocery list.
5. If you drink alcohol have someone to take you home. Do not risk being stopped by the police or putting people’s lives in danger
by driving.
Black Friday shopping
By Dr. Shanessa Fenner, Principal 1. Set a budget for gift buying and be practical with the gifts that are purchased.
2. Make a list before shopping and stick to the list. Think about items that the people on the list like and can use.
3. Buy a few extra gifts in case they are needed.
1. The holidays can be stressful so do something that makes you happy. Take care of self first.
2. Schedule some “me” time or a Swedish massage.
3. Get plenty of sleep and take naps. The holidays can be exhausting.
4. Listen to soft music while creating a sense of peace and calmness.
Give some of your time
1. Donate some of your time to help serve a meal to the homeless.
2. Check on an elderly neighbor during the holidays to see if you can assist them with their needs.
We should be thankful for our many blessings and grateful to be able to enjoy another holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving and be a
blessing to someone during this holiday season