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P. 3
Master of Arts and Psychology
By Kathleen Anne N. Calison
Taking the creative route as an adult felt like I was reconciling with my inner child. Maybe because every
child at one point wanted to become an artist when they grow up, but I stopped pursuing that dream. As I
finally finish my degree in Masters of Arts in Psychology and enter the world of teaching how to draw
professionally, allow me to share my top three epiphanies that I learned as an artist that can be applied to
Drawing is a skill, so develop it taking advantage of the fact that
with a principle in mind. I can take artistic liberties! This
epiphany didn't come to me as a
Like most things, drawing requires child. I only learned this when I
you to start with the basics. The returned to drawing. The sketches
art of psychology begins with I created began to get better
theories and fundamentals. As a once I learned how to study and
child, I thought I was the next break down my subject into basic
Picasso! I believed that I had so shapes through observation. We
much raw potential. In my head, I can't break down a person into
was an art prodigy waiting to be basic shapes in psychology, but
scouted. My art skills didn't need we can learn how to sit and Line color experiment, 2020
to be developed, because why keenly observe people. This can
Experiment with your medium.
should they be? Sadly, this lead us to the right way to
Picasso became "Picassorry you become great psychologists in the
I love testing out different
need to work hard to be a great future. Think back to your classes
approaches to art! For life
artist!". If you ask me now what I in Advance Counselling, how
drawing, I enjoy charcoal to
think about it, I knew it was a many times did you find yourself
create a mood: dirty and edgy
horrible decision on my part. It observing and listening more than
sketches. For scenery, paint
was amazing of me to do that. talking? Just recently, I had a clerk
breathes life to my work;
Now, I am picking up where I ask me to 'psycho' or
watercolors are my go-to
stopped. Do not be like me! psychoanalyze him after I
medium. These methods became
Consistently develop the skills you mentioned I am on my way to
something I am proficient at,
acquired throughout your MA becoming a psychologist. He told
thanks to various trials and errors
journey, stick with a principle, and me to base my inputs on our brief
on my part. I encourage every
go back to the fundamentals. encounter. The truth of our
budding artist to try
Through experience and putting profession lies somewhere in the
experimenting with other
yourself out there can help you middle! We can understand what
mediums! Think of paint and
hone your competency in they think and feel by studying the
charcoal as various treatments we
counseling and therapy. pattern of behaviors they exhibit.
deploy to help our clients in the
future. The more we educate
Drawing is at least 50%
ourselves by researching, the
easier it is for us to find what we
want to specialize in. Right now, I
I always find myself saying this
am preparing myself to practice
during my art classes. To
art therapy or child psychology
understand your subject, observe
exclusively. With knowledge in
it well before you start drawing.
Special Education, teaching, art,
There must be a chance that
and psychology under my belt, I
you've encountered an artwork
am convinced that the universe is
that looks slightly off. If you
nudging me for this path. Should
haven't seen anything like that,
the day come that this gentle
then you are fortunate enough to
push becomes unsuitable for me,
miss my previous works. You
the universe will get a stern
would see how great I was in
Stylized Man, 2017