Page 8 - STUDENT HANDBOOK AY 2021-2022
P. 8
D. The Logo
Southville International School
and Colleges stands for a solid
educational base on which
students develop their gifts, attain
academic and values excellence,
develop the 5Cs (Competence,
Character, Commitment to
achieve, Collaboration and
Creativity), and become inner-
directed, productive and achieving
members of society.
The SISC logo is the symbol that captures the credo, vision, and mission of the
school. “Facite Differentiam” is the Latin translation for the SISC motto, “Make
a Difference.”
The Coat of Arms symbolizes the strong foundation of the institution. It is marked by
years of continuous improvement (Kaizen) among its members and by the strong
commitment of the members of the academic community.
The human figures are the symbolic image of the young, the reason and meaning
for Southville International School and Colleges’ existence. The school believes that
VALUES/ CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT for the young is the most basic
foundation. It must equip the student to develop the ability to manage oneself, share,
relate, and collaborate with others. These are what we envision the youth of the school
to anchor on and to live out.
The LAUREL LEAF, the universal mark of COMPETENCE and
ACHIEVEMENT, underscores the prime value that the school places on its
educational programs. Its curriculum is on a par with international standards, and
enriched in depth and in breadth, and develops the child’s analytical and critical
thinking skills, judgment, and creativity. It also emphasizes the programs that are
meant to develop the students’ analytical and critical thinking skills, judgment, and