Page 14 - DWN Regional Leader Handbook_October_2023
P. 14

About Us                                                                                                                                                          About Us

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            Kielee Mathis                                                                       Angela Strawbridge

            Bay of Plenty and Central                                                           Lower North Island Hub Leader
            Plateau Hub Leader                                                        
                                                              I’m a Dairy Manager for the Hopkins

            Hi, I’m Kielee, my husband Gerald and I                                             Farming Group, as well as a Hub Leader for
            dairy farm in Galatea. We have been dairy                                           DWN.
            farming together for over 20 years. My                                              I have been dairy farming many years and
            main role on the farm is calf rearing, finances and general                         won the DIA Regional Manager in 2018 for the Manawatu-
            odd jobs. I love exploring our backyard in NZ, working out,                         Whanganui. I specialise in business management, strategy
            being healthy and hanging out with family and friends.                              planning and delivery.

            I became a Hub Leader as I felt I could add some value to the                       My own leadership has built great relationships with several
            role and felt at home with the likeminded ladies around me.                         industry partners and beyond!

            Nicola Bryant                                                                       Kelly Bavin

            Taranaki Hub Leader                                                                 Southland Hub Leader
            I started out in the dairy industry as a
            relief milker, farm assistant and calf rearer,                                      Hi, I’m Kelly and I sharemilk with my
            supporting my husband Michael in his                                                husband, son and daughter near
            previous management roles.                                                          Invercargill.

            Together we now contract milk 235 cows in Opunake with                              I am the full time calf rearer in the spring but when I have
            our two daughters. I am full time on the farm over calving                          some spare time I like riding my bike or horse. I also enjoy
            and mating, share the milking the rest of the session, and                          spending time with friends and family, and supporting my
            manage the financial side of the business, compliance, and                          kids in their sports!

            As well as my role in DWN I am one of the Catchment
            Coordinators for Taranaki Catchment Communities and a
            trustee for Taranaki Rural Razzle, an incorporated society that
            connects rural, urban and iwi communities, as well as holding
            positions on a few other community committees.

            I love being involved in DWN as I love contributing to the
            dairy industry, and I’m passionate about being involved in my
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