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2022 Benefits Summary

        Oerlikon offers several benefits to provide health and financial security for you and your family, including
        medical, dental, vision and life insurance coverage. This is a summary overview of the benefits you can
        receive/enroll in as an employee at Oerlikon.

        Eligibility                                               Vision Plan
        Employees who work at least 24 hours per week are         Our vision plan offers in- and out-of-network benefits to
        eligible for benefits. Most of your benefits are effective  help you pay for the cost of routine eye exams, glasses and
        on your date of hire including medical, dental, vision, and   contacts. It pays for one eye exam a year, and pays for a
        401(k). You may enroll your eligible dependents, including   portion of the cost for eyeglasses and frames/or contact
        your legal spouse, domestic partner, and children up to   lenses once a year. The vision plan is through VSP.
        age 26, for coverage once you become eligible.            • In-network exam $10 copay
                                                                  • In-network frames or contacts $130 allowance
                                                                  • In-network lenses (single, bifocal, trifocal) $25 copay
        Medical Plan
        You have a choice of two medical plan options through
        Highmark. Both plans pay 100% of the cost for preventive   Monthly Benefit Costs
        care and include an annual deductible amount you must
                                                                                         Wellness*       Non-Wellness
        satisfy before the plan begins paying for most expenses.   Medical
                                                                                    HDHP / HSA  PPO   HDHP / HSA  PPO
        HDHP / HSA Plan
                                                                   Employee Only       $77     $118    $117     $158
        • If you enroll in this plan, Oerlikon will contribute money
           to your Health Savings Account (HSA) each year.         Employee + Spouse  $200     $317    $240     $357
        • In-network deductible $1,500 individual / $3,000 family  Employee + Child(ren)  $179  $282   $219     $322
        • In-network coinsurance 90%                               Family             $235     $368    $275     $408
        PPO Plan                                                  *If you completed  the 2021 wellness program requirements  you will be charged
                                                                  the wellness contribution for medical coverage in 2022.
        • In-network deductible $500 individual / $1,000 family
        • In-network coinsurance 90%                               Dental
        • In-network primary care physician visit $20 copay        Employee Only                   $9. 50
                                                                   Employee + Spouse              $23.50
        Dental Plan                                                Employee + Child(ren)          $25.50
                                                                   Family                         $38.00
        Our dental plans pay 100% of the cost for routine checkups
        and shares the cost with you for most dental procedures. The   Vision
        dental plan is through Delta Dental.
                                                                   Employee Only                   $2. 20
        • Deductible $50 individual / $150 family
                                                                   Employee + 1                    $3. 29
        • Calendar year max $1,500
        • Orthodontia lifetime maximum $1,750                      Employee + 2 or more            $5. 41
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