Page 10 - Texas Rangers 2021 Front Office Flipbook
P. 10


          A  prescription  drug  program  is  offered  as  part  of  your
          health  care  benefits.  This  program  covers  both  non-
          maintenance  and  maintenance  prescription  drugs
           dispensed  by  either  pharmacy  or  designated  mail

                                                                                    Medicare Part D
          Retail Program                                                    The  company’s  prescription  drug
          The  retail  program  provides  up  to  a  31-day  supply  of     plan  is  creditable  coverage.  That

           medication.  You  pay  100%  of  the  cost  of  your             means  it  meets  and  exceeds
          medication  until  you  reach  the  plan’s  deductible.           Medicare Part D requirements and
          Once  you’ve  reached  the  deductible,  you  will  only          the  benefits  offered  by  most
          pay 30% of the cost.                                              Medicare  Part  D  plans.  If  you  are
                                                                            eligible  for  Medicare,  you  may
          Mail Order Program                                                continue    to   receive    your
          The  mail  service  program  is  a  convenient  way  for  you     prescription  drugs  under  this  plan.
          order  medications.  Your  prescription  is  reviewed  and        You  do  not  need  to  enroll  in  a
          dispensed  by  registered pharmacists and mailed directly         separate Medicare D drug plan.
          to your home.

          Maintenance Drugs
          Up  to  a  90-day  supply  of  maintenance  drugs  is
          available   through   the   mail   order   pharmacy.
          Maintenance  medication   is   a   prescription   drug
          anticipated  to be  required for  6 months or more to treat
          a chronic condition.

                         Plan B: HDHP Plan                                    In-Network Benefits

        Prescription Deductible                                         Integrated with Medical Deductible

        Retail: 31-Day Supply                                                 70% after Deductible

        Maintenance Drugs through Mail Order: 90- Day Supply                  70% after Deductible

        2022 Rangers Baseball LLC (the Texas Rangers) Benefit Guide                                           Page 10
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