Page 18 - Texas Rangers 2021 Front Office Flipbook
P. 18


             Life and AD&D Insurance                                                    Benefit
             You  have  the  option  to  purchase
             additional  life  insurance  coverage.
             New  hires  can  elect  Supplemental     Employee
             Life  Insurance  for  themselves  and
        _    their spouses  up to the Guaranteed      Life and     Increments of $10,000 up to 5 times your annual salary, not to
                                                                                    exceed $500,000
             Issue  amounts  listed  with  no
             medical  underwriting.    Employees      AD&D
             who  did  not  elect  coverage  when     Spouse         Increments of $5,000, not to exceed 100% of employee
             they  were  originally  hired  can  still   Life              (EOI required for amounts over $30,000)
             take advantage of this coverage but
             will  have  to  provide  Evidence  of
             Insurability   information   and   be    Spouse          Increments of $5,000, not to exceed 50% of employee
             medically underwritten.                  AD&D                       coverage up to $250,000

             Evidence of Insurability                 Child Life               Live birth to 6 months: $1,000
             If  you  apply  for  additional  life                              6 months to age 26: $10,000
             insurance,  you  may  be  required  to  fill
             out  a  medical  questionnaire  called  an   Voluntary Employee and Spouse Life insurance rates are based on employee
             EOI form. The form should be returned    age bands. The Employee’s age is updated the pay cycle following the
             directly to Unum. The amount you elect   Employees birthday.
             that is more than the Guaranteed Issue
             limits will not be effective until you are   To carry Voluntary Life Insurance and/or Voluntary AD&D for your
                                                      Dependents you must carrier Voluntary Life Insurance and/or Voluntary
             approved for coverage                    AD&D for yourself.

                                          The above is a summary of this benefit option.

                               Click here for more detailed information on this available benefit option.

        2022 Rangers Baseball LLC (the Texas Rangers) Benefit Guide                                           Page 18
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