Page 27 - 2023 SpeciatlyCare Benefit Guide
P. 27

2023 Benefits Guide

        Associate Referral Bonus Program

        SpecialtyCare  employees  can  submit  external,  qualified  talent  referrals  for  regular,  full-time*  positions  with
        To receive credit for your referrals, you must use the Connections Associate Career Portal referral process to
        submit and track. The Associate Referral Bonus Program requirements for eligibility and payment are available
        on the ABOUT YOU website and SharePoint in the Human Resources section.
        *SpecialtyCare associates that refer a per-diem candidate that transitions to a regular, full-time associate within 180 days of
        their per-diem start date are eligible for a referral bonus once meeting the applicable program parameters.
                                                                            Personal Referral   Lead Generation Referral
                                    Position Level                          Award Amount ($)     Award Amount ($)

         G&A                                                                     $500                 $100

         Clinical roles that do not require a bachelor's degree or               $500                 $100

         Clinical roles that do not require a bachelor's degree but require     $1,000                $200

         Clinical roles that require Bachelor's degree but not
         certification/licensure                                                $1,000                $200

         Clinical roles that require Bachelor's degree (or more) +
         certification/licensure where referred candidate is not yet            $1,000                $200

         Clinical roles that require Bachelor's degree (or more) +
         certification/licensure where referred candidate is                    $5,000               $1000

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